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“Witness Friendship” 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation to Foreign Embassies in China interviews with the Ambassador of Armenia to China H.E.Mr.Sergey Manasaryan

时间:2023-8-24 11:39:13

核心提示:亚美尼亚是一个位于亚洲与欧洲交界处的外高加索地区共和制国家。亚美尼亚驻华大使马纳萨良多次表示, 亚美尼亚愿和中国积极开展“一带一路”框架下的文化交流活动, 促进两国人民民心相通。8月8日上午, “见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者应邀采访了亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下。...

  亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)2023年8月8日在大使馆欢迎小记者团领队、中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    (中外新闻社小记者 冯湧昊 沈书煌 刘宝怡 胡永恒 唐培智)亚美尼亚是一个位于亚洲与欧洲交界处的外高加索地区共和制国家。亚美尼亚驻华大使马纳萨良多次表示, 亚美尼亚愿和中国积极开展“一带一路”框架下的文化交流活动, 促进两国人民民心相通。8月8日上午, “见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者应邀采访了亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下。
    Armenia is a republican state in the Transcaucasia region, located on the border between Asia and Europe. Ambassador of Armenia to China, H.E. Mr. Sergey Manasaryan has repeatedly expressed Armenia's willingness to actively carry out cultural exchanges with China within the framework of the "Belt and Road" and to promote people-to-people contact between the two countries. In the morning of August 8th, “Witness Friendship” 2023 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation was invited to interview the Ambassador of Armenia to China, H.E. Mr. Sergey Manasaryan.


    亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下首先向小记者介绍亚美尼亚国家情况, 他说, 亚美尼亚是位于亚洲和欧洲交界处, 外高加索的南部, 亚美尼亚也是世界上第一个基督教的国家, 它这块肥沃的土地孕立了米高扬等享誉世界的杰出人物。亚美尼亚是一个露天博物馆, 拥有丰富的历史教堂, 修道院, 古迹和古老的文化遗产。亚美尼亚的美食和历史一样古老, 它与东方和地中海美食有着密切的联系。
    Ambassador of Armenia to China, H.E. Mr. Sergey Manasaryan firstly introduced Armenia to the junior journalists, saying that Armenia is situated on the border of Asia and Europe, in the southern part of Transcaucasia, and that Armenia was the first Christian country in the world, and that this ancient country also had such world-famous and outstanding figures as Mikoyan. Armenia is like an open museum, many historical churches, monasteries, monuments and ancient cultural heritages. Armenian cuisine is as old as its history, and it is closely linked to Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines.

  亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)向小记者介绍亚美尼亚国家情况

    亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良曾历任亚美尼亚共和国驻埃及大使、亚美尼亚外交部副部长, 自2016年5月起一直担任亚美尼亚驻华大使。作为一名资深外交官, 马纳萨良曾体验世界上许多不同国家的风土人情, 广袤的中国让他印象尤为深刻。在中国担任大使7年来, 他走访了中国很多省市, 深深喜爱这里的山川湖泊、街坊小巷以及各地风土人情等, 对中国文化丰富性与多样性的体会很深。
    Ambassador Manasaryan has been serving as Armenia's Ambassador to China since May 2016, after having served as the Ambassador of Armenia to Egypt and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia. As a senior diplomat, he has experienced the customs of many different countries around the world, and China has made a particularly deep impression on him. During his seven years as ambassador in China, he has visited many provinces and cities and deeply loved the mountains and lakes, neighborhoods and local customs of each place. He has a deep appreciation for the richness and diversity of Chinese culture.


    有小记者问道: “在您担任亚美尼亚外交部副外长时, 就分管亚洲事务。你担任亚美尼亚驻华大使已经7年, 你已经成为中国人民最可贵的朋友, 你认为: 我们青少年应该如何接过“接力棒”传承中亚两国的友谊?”
    A junior journalist asked: “When you were the Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, you were in charge of Asian affairs. You have been the Ambassador of Armenia to China for 7 years now, and you have become the most valuable friend of the Chinese people. What do you think: as the younger generations, how should we continue this precious friendship between China and Armenia?”


    谢尔盖•马纳萨良大使说, 非常感谢你的问题。 7年前我向中国国家主席习近平递交国书, 这是我在外交生涯很难忘的一刻, 要把这份责任担当起来, 亚美尼亚是中国的好朋友。如何继续两国友谊和发展、两国的深度交流, 是我和亚美尼亚驻华使馆重要的工作。作为大使, 我认为: 你们才是两国友好关系的未来, 现在在亚美尼亚, 中文是最受欢迎的第二门语言, 亚美尼亚有很多的汉语学校和孔子学院, 还有很多介绍中国文化的机构。欢迎小记者们到亚美尼亚国家采访, 和我们的青少年进行交流, 互相了解对方文化, 为两国友好关系书写新的篇章。
    Ambassador Sergey Manasaryan said, thank you very much for your question. Seven years ago, I presented my credentials to Chinese President Xi Jinping, it was a very memorable moment in my diplomatic career to take this ambassador position. Armenia is a good friend of China. How to continue the friendship of the two countries the deep exchanges between the two countries, is an important task for me and the Armenian Embassy in China. As an ambassador, I believe: you are the future of the friendly relations between the two countries. Now in Armenia, Chinese language is the second popular language, and there are many Chinese language schools and Confucius Institutes in Armenia, as well as a lot of organizations that introduce Chinese culture. We welcome the young journalists to visit Armenia and communicate with our young people, to learn about each other's cultures, and to write a new chapter in the friendly relations between the two countries.


    小记者还就两国的教育、文化、旅游等与大使进行沟通、交流, 大使说, 中国和亚美尼亚友谊可以追逐到丝绸之路时期, 两国文化交流是两国之间重要的组成。我认为: 这是为巩固中亚世代友好、为地区发展合作注入的新动力。
    The junior journalists also communicated and exchanged views with the Ambassador on education, culture and tourism of the two countries. The Ambassador said that the friendship between China and Armenia can be traced back to the Silk Road period, that cultural exchanges between the two countries are an important component of the relationship between the two countries. In my opinion, this is a new impetus for consolidating the friendship between generations of China and Armenia and for regional development and cooperation.


    小记者在亚美尼亚驻华使馆采访在非常友好的气氛中进行。采访结束, 马纳萨良多大使愉快的邀请小记者和家长到亚美尼亚国家旅游观光, 小记者们也把自己准备的小礼物赠送给马纳萨良多大使和亚美尼亚外交官。 大使还饶有兴趣的观看来自汕头市潮阳实验学校任政刚小记者表演的武术。一时间, 亚美尼亚驻华使馆会议厅祝福声、欢笑声汇聚一堂, 合影时大家齐声欢呼: 中亚友谊万岁……
    The interview was in a very friendly atmosphere. At the end of the interview, Ambassador Manasaryan pleasantly invited junior journalists and their parents to Armenia for unforgettable tourism. Junior journalists also prepared their own gifts to the Ambassador Manasaryan and the Armenian diplomats. The Ambassador also watched the martial arts performance by Ren Zhenggang, a middle school student from Shantou. At that moment, the Embassy of Armenia in China was full of joy, laugh and blessings. When taking the group photo, everyone said: the friendship of China and Armenia go on forever……



  唐培智小记者邀请亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)访问广东省东莞市松山湖中学

  邓人和小记者邀请亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)访问北京海淀区外国语实验学校

  张案腾小记者同亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)握手致意




作者:小记者 冯湧昊 沈书煌 刘宝怡 胡永恒 唐培智  来源:本网站

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