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时间:2018-11-15 15:46:49


  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下同获奖的中外新闻社优秀小记者汇聚一堂

    “Witness Friendship” 2018 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation successfully completed interviewing 8 foreign embassies in China, including Belgium, Albania, Croatia, Algeria, Myanmar, Benin, Colombia and Armenia. On August 10th, the Colombian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Oscar Rueda García, presented the “Outstanding Junior Journalist Certificates” to the delegation members. This year, the junior journalists were very fortunate to have exclusive interviews with the second and the third-place winners of the 2018 Russia World Cup: Croatia and Belgium. Up to now, Home and Abroad News Press junior journalists have visited 80 embassies in China, which is considered as a milestone achievement in our “News Diplomacy”.

  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下非常开心看到中国小记者出色的表现

    中外新闻社2001年2月28日在香港成立。连续16年荣获国务院港澳办批准采访全国 “两会” 及中共十六大、中共十七大、中共十八大、中共十九大、APEC会议和全球脑库论坛及亚欧首脑会议等重要会议; 2010年5月20日,台当局“行政院新闻局”〔新联二字第0990820192号〕文批准:同意中外新闻社驻台采访;2011年5月6日,国务院港澳办“港审联字 [2011] 537号”文批准中外新闻社在北京设立“中外新闻社北京记者站”。2012年10月13日,中外新闻社与中国传媒大学结为战略合作伙伴关系,中外新闻社驻中国传媒大学工作室揭牌仪式于在中国传媒大学39号楼举行,中外新闻社、中外新闻网成为中国传媒大学学生实习、实践基地。
    Home and Abroad News Press was established on February 28th, 2001 in Hong Kong. Home and Abroad News Press has been approved by Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council for 16 consecutive years to interview and participate the National Congresses (NPC and CPPCC), APEC Summit, Global Think Tank, Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and other important global and regional events. On May 20th, 2010, Home and Abroad News Press received the official approval letter from Taiwan “Government Information Office” on opening an official local branch in Taiwan. On May 6th, 2011, Home and Abroad News Press received the official approval letter from Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council on opening the first Mainland China local branch in Beijing. On October 13th, 2012, Home and Abroad News Press and Communication University of China formed a strategic partnership and opened a liaison office in the Building #39 of Communication University of China. This office serves as the training base for university students and future media talents.

  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下为获得中外新闻社优秀小记者颁发“优秀小记者”证书

    Based on the unique positioning and value advantage of Home and Abroad News Press, the Junior Journalist Delegation has become a well-known international brand in the global community.

    中外新闻社小记者曾在2010年上海世博会采访联合国馆、欧盟馆、德国馆、俄罗斯馆、澳大利亚馆、伊朗馆、马来西亚馆、英国馆、德国馆等;2011年8月采访第26届世界大学生运动会各国运动员代表团;“放飞梦想”--中外新闻社小记者2012—2017年暑期(寒假)访问外国驻华使领馆,优秀小记者获得了联合国助理秘书长阿瓦尼•贝南、 上海世博会澳大利亚总代表萨琳德、 第26届世界大学生运动会英国代表团新闻官Scott Richards、联合国儿童基金会驻华代表麦吉莲女士及各国驻华大使分别向小记者颁发“优秀小记者”证书。
    “Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation” successfully participated in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo and the 26th World University Games in 2011. “Flying Dreams – 2012-2017 Summer/Winter Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation” received high recognitions from the Assistant Secretary-General of United Nations, Dr. Awni Behnam, the Chief Representative of UNICEF China Office, Mrs. Gillian Mellsop, the Press Officer of the 26th World University Games British delegation, Mr. Scott Richards and many foreign ambassadors to China. They presented the “Outstanding Junior Journalist Certificates” to the Junior Journalist Delegation members each time.

  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下同三胞胎小记者及他们的同学愉快的在一起

    Between August 6th and 10th this year, jointly organized by Home and Abroad News Press and the United Nations Education Science Cultural Health Advancement Foundation, "Witnessing Friendship" 2018 Summer Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation visited eight foreign embassies in China. The junior journalists were excited and deeply touched by the close dialogues with the high officials and senior diplomats; therefore, they cherished this opportunity to learn fully about the culture and education of those countries. They also personally felt the wisdom, enthusiasm and friendly manners of the diplomats and their well-developed diplomatic temperaments while improving their English skills.

  哥伦比亚驻华大使奥斯卡•鲁埃达•加西亚(H.E. Mr. Oscar Rueda García)阁下向江苏省常州市觅度桥小学申嘉诚颁发“优秀小记者”证书

    During the five days of serial interviews, the junior journalists collected a large amount of materials from the interviews. Their quick thinking, mental qualities, self-confidence and serious study attitude left great impressions to the foreign ambassadors and embassy officers. On August 10th, the Colombian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Oscar Rueda García, presented the “Outstanding Junior Journalist Certificates” to the delegation members.

    When presenting the certificates, Ambassador Oscar Rueda García deeply expressed that “Today, I’m here to welcome all of you to our embassy, this reminded me so much memories. I was a lawyer and I have three kids. They are very successful in their own fields. You are the future “News Spokesman” of China. I wish you learn more when you are growing up so that you can become a senior famous journalist in the future.”

    香港中外新闻社2011年5月6日获中国国务院港澳办批准落地北京,这使中外新闻社与各国驻华大使馆的交流与合作更广泛、更密切。总编辑韦燕表示:中外新闻社要把和谐融入世界,向世人展示的不仅仅是一个传媒的职能,更是传递和平的纽带和桥梁。组织小记者采访各国大使馆,旨意在让中国青少年了解各国的国情和文化。“展示‘新闻外交’、 推动世界和平”---成为中外新闻社发展的主旋律。
    (Hong Kong) Home and Abroad News Press established its Mainland office in Beijing after receiving the official approval from the China's State Council - Hong Kong and Macao Office on May 6th, 2011. This strategic move further strengthens the media’s communication and connections with foreign embassies and organizations in China. President Wei Yan expressed that Home and Abroad News Press will not only promote itself as a regular media channel to all readers and general public, but also become a communication bridge between China and the whole world. The purpose of organizing the “Junior Journalists Delegation” is to offer an opportunity to Chinese students to understand more about other countries and cultures so that they will be better serve as a “diplomatic messenger” in the future. This is also a part of the unique positioning and competitive advantages that Home and Abroad News Press always pursues.

作者:记者 张珈闻  来源:本网站

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