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“见证友谊”中外新闻社小记者2018暑期采访阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法阁下

"Witness Friendship" 2018 Summer Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed with the Algerian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Ahcene Boukhelfa

时间:2018-11-3 12:23:59

核心提示:阿尔及利亚是非洲和阿拉伯世界地理面积最大的国家,该国旅游资源丰富,既有各个历史时期遗留下来的文化古迹,又有撒哈拉沙漠和地中海沿岸神秘绮丽的自然风光,是一个充满魅力的国家。8月10日上午,“见证友谊”---中外新闻社小记者团如约前往阿尔及利亚驻华大使官邸采访艾哈桑• 布哈利法大使阁下。...

  阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. Ahcene Boukhelfa)和小记者们欢聚一堂,共同祝愿:中阿友谊万古长青

    阿尔及利亚是非洲和阿拉伯世界地理面积最大的国家,该国旅游资源丰富,既有各个历史时期遗留下来的文化古迹,又有撒哈拉沙漠和地中海沿岸神秘绮丽的自然风光,是一个充满魅力的国家。8月10日上午,“见证友谊”---中外新闻社小记者团如约前往阿尔及利亚驻华大使官邸采访艾哈桑• 布哈利法大使阁下。
    Algeria is the country with the largest geographical territory in Africa as well as among the Arabic countries. The country is rich in tourism resources with cultural monuments left over from various historical periods. With the mysterious and beautiful natural sceneries of the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean coast, it is a truly charming country in Africa. On the morning of August 10th, “Witness Friendship” 2018 Summer Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation came to the Ambassador’s residence to interview the Algerian Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Ahcene Boukhelfa.


    The junior journalists firstly introduced themselves in fluent English. Later, Ambassador Ahcene Boukhelfa gave a welcome speech and introduced Algeria to the junior journalists. He expressed his willingness to answer any questions the junior journalists may have.

  阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. Ahcene Boukhelfa)阁下会见中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    有小记者问:“大使阁下您好!2015年4月29日 - 习近平会见阿尔及利亚总理塞拉勒时,习近平指出,中国同阿尔及利亚是兄弟,是朋友。作为阿尔及利亚驻华大使,你如何理解这句话的函意?你认为:两国青少年,将如何接过“接力棒”、传承中阿宝贵的友谊?谢谢!”
    A junior journalist asked: “Hello, Ambassador! When Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Algerian Prime Minister Sellal on April 29th, 2015, Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Algeria are brothers and friends. As the Algerian Ambassador to China, how do you comprehend this message? In your opinions, as the children and youth in both countries, how should we carry on the traditional friendship between China and Algeria?”

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕、首席翻译张珈闻、阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)共同主持小记者采访活动

    Ambassador Boukhelfa said that the relationship between China and Algeria has been developing for 60 years. After the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, high-level exchanges of visits have been frequent and effective. In 1963, Premier Zhou Enlai came to Algeria, and Algeria actively supported China to entry into the United Nations. In 2014, Xi Jinping and the President of Algeria signed an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. It is worth mentioning that in 1963, after the founding of New China, the first Chinese medical relief team was sent to Algeria for medical support. The ambassador shared this touching story with us. In that medical team, several generations have been serving in Algeria for a long time, including their grandfathers, fathers and sons.


    “Hello Ambassador! On the morning of May 15th, you visited Beijing Foreign Studies University and delivered a speech entitled "Peaceful Coexistence - Building the Community of Human Destiny". Please share with us how you will promote educational cooperation between China and Algeria?” another junior journalist asked.

  张鑫渝小记者请阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)谈谈两国的教育

    Ambassador Boukhelfa said that there are many student exchanges between China and Algeria. China also welcomes many Algerian students to study in China. President Xi Jinping has mentioned a concept of the community of human destiny. What is the 'community'? How can it be built? It is through the people and people interaction and exchange so that we can learn from each other and eliminate differences to reach consensus. In the field of education, China and Algeria have made a lot of contributions, so we also look forward to more in-depth cooperation and exchanges between China and Algeria in the field of education.


    阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法阁下是一位出色的外交官,曾任阿尔及利亚驻布基纳法索大使、阿尔及利亚驻阿根廷大使、阿尔及利亚驻乌拉圭大使和阿尔及利亚驻巴拉圭大使,以及阿尔及利亚国家外交部美洲司司长等职。在会见中外新闻社小记者中还就阿尔及利亚旅游、文化和大使对中国的印象等话题与小记者们进行交流。
    The Ambassador of Algeria to China, H.E. Mr. Ahcene Boukhelfa, is an outstanding diplomat. He has served as Ambassador of Algeria to Burkina Faso, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. He also served as the Director of the Americas Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria. During the interview, he shared his views about Algerian tourism and culture and his impression about China with all delegation members.


    In order to express China's friendship with Algeria, the junior journalists presented their gifts to Ambassador Ahcene Boukhelfa and wished the friendship between China and Algeria will last forever!


  李宗达小记者就两国青少年如何传承中阿宝贵友谊向阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)提问


  阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. Ahcene Boukhelfa)在小记者学校的海报上签名

  阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)同小记者们友好交流

  艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. Ahcene Boukhelfa)大使请小记者们品尝美食

  狄冠廷小记者向阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)赠送自己创作的书画作品

  陈怡佳小记者向阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)赠送小礼物

  刘荣小记者向阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)赠送礼物,祝他在中国工作顺利

  姜若雅小记者向阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)赠送礼物,祝他在中国工作顺利

  杨阳小记者向阿尔及利亚驻华大使艾哈桑• 布哈利法(H.E. Mr. AhceneBoukhelfa)赠送礼物,希望大使阁下多了解中国文化

作者:小记者 李宗达 张鑫渝 石一涵 解天凡 传家宝  来源:本网站

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