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时间:2018-11-15 13:41:33


  缅甸驻华大使吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)阁下同中外新闻社小记者欢聚一堂,齐声欢呼:中缅友谊万岁!

    Myanmar is a long-established ancient civilization country, also known as Burma. On January 4th, 1948, Myanmar declared independence from the Commonwealth and established the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. On August 8th, Home & Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation was invited by the Myanmar Ambassador to China, H.E. Mr. Thit Linn Ohn to visit the Myanmar Embassy in China.

  缅甸驻华大使吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)阁下会见中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    At 4pm, the junior journalists waved the national flags of China and Myanmar while entering into the embassy. The first thing we saw was many smiling faces of Myanmar diplomats. Smiles, greetings and handshakes well demonstrated the friendly traditions of Myanmar. After a while, Ambassador Thit Linn Ohn walked into the conference hall in a black suit and personally greeted to all junior journalists.

  缅甸驻华大使吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)阁下会见中外新闻社副总裁张珈闻

    As an opening, the embassy played a short video about Myanmar to the delegation. Through colorful pictures, vivid language, real humanities and beautiful sceneries, we learnt that Myanmar is a real and amiable country with rich customs and human history.

  缅甸驻华大使吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)阁下同中外新闻社总裁韦燕共同主持小记者采访活动

    很快到了小记者提问环节。小记者问:大使阁下您好,1950年6月8日缅甸与中国建交,是第一个承认新中国的亚洲社会主义国家。中缅两国是友好邻邦, 两国人民之间的传统友谊源远流长。你认为:作为两国青少年,将如何接过 “接力棒”、更好地传承中缅“胞波” 友谊、让中缅友好事业后继有人?
    After self introductions, the junior journalists started to ask questions: “Hello Mr. Ambassador! China and Myanmar established the diplomatic relations on June 8th, 1950, and it was the first Asian socialist country to recognize new China. China and Myanmar are friendly neighbors. The traditional friendship between the two peoples has a long history. In your opinions, as teenagers of the two countries, how should we carry on the traditional friendship between China and Myanmar so that this precious friendship will last from generation to generation?”

  吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使告诉小记者缅甸在地图上的位置

    吴帝林翁大使拿着笔记本来记录,非常认真的回答小记者提问,他说,缅中两国的友谊及建交已经68周年,缅甸第一个承认中华人民共和国之一的国家已载入史册,“胞波”是缅中两国人民之间独有的亲切称谓,一声“胞波”凝聚了千百年来中缅友好的质朴情感,这是我们两国人民共同的宝贵财富,两国青少年接过 “接力棒” ,成为天然纽带,成为未来促进缅中和平稳定、发展繁荣的坚定力量。
    Ambassador Thit Linn Ohn took out his notebook and answered the question very seriously. He said that the friendship and diplomatic relations between Myanmar and China have already reached the 68th anniversary. Myanmar was one of the first group of countries that recognized the new China. “Paukphaw” is the unique and friendly name between the people of Myanmar and China. The “Paukphaw friendship” includes many things between China and Myanmar’s thousands of years friendship. This is a common treasure shared by the people of the two countries. The children and young people in both countries can naturally carry on this precious friendship and become the strong force for promoting peace, stability, development and prosperity in Myanmar and China.


    小记者关注2017年5月8日,应中国宋庆龄基金会邀请来华访问的缅甸青少年代表团一行在北京与中国青少年开展交流活动,搭建起中缅民间外交的友好桥梁。至此问大使: 未来两年还会安排中缅两国青少年的交流活动吗?如果我们希望同缅甸小朋友认识、共同学习、交流,通过什么渠道可以实现我们的心愿?
    “May 8th, 2017, invited by the China Song Qingling Foundation, the Myanmar youth delegation visited China and launched an exchange program in Beijing. Will you arrange more youth exchange activities between the two countries in the next two years? If we want to make friend and exchange with the children in Myanmar, how can we do so?”


    “There are three ways for youth exchanges between Myanmar and China: the first is the direct exchange between the Ministry of Education of the two countries and the activities organized by the two governments; the second is the exchange activities of non-governmental organizations and some social organizations; then it is through privately organized exchange activities.” the ambassador answered.


    Another junior journalist asked: “Hello Ambassador! There is an old saying in Myanmar: ‘Diligence makes people successful and honesty makes people kind. Only by making persistent efforts and constantly improving ourselves would allow us to become the important pillars of our society.’ You are an excellent diplomat. How would you explain this message to us?”

  缅甸驻华大使吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)阁下同中外新闻社小记者愉快的在一起

    Ambassador Thit Linn Ohn said that, as human beings, we have to constantly work hard and improve ourselves so that we can become the pillars of society. Only by developing and adhering honesty, we can have a good life. The key idea of this old saying is to deliver the core values of the mainstream culture of all nations, so as to promote the exchanges and mutual understanding among all countries.

  吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使为中外新闻社小记者签名

    A junior journalist who enjoy travelling very much, he asked: “Hello Ambassador! Myanmar is an ancient civilization with a long history and rich tourism resources. It is surrounded by forests, mountains and rivers. Please share with us about Myanmar's culture and tourism. If we choose to travel to Myanmar, what season is the best time to travel?”


    The ambassador told him that Myanmar is a long-established ancient civilization and a famous Buddhist country. Myanmar has beautiful sceneries, such as Sule Pagoda and Shwedagon Pagoda. Yangon, Myanmar is the most worthwhile place to visit. If you go to Myanmar but not see the Kandawyi Lake (Great Royal Lake) in Yangon, that will be the biggest regret in life. Myanmar tourism resources are very rich, and it is good to travel to Myanmar anytime in a year.

  陈怡佳小记者向吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使赠送礼物,祝他在中国工作顺利

    At the end of the interview, the junior journalists said with deep feelings that as a new generation, as the next generation of diplomatic relations, we should continue to uphold this everlasting spirit of friendship and cooperation to inherit and continue the friendship between China and Myanmar. The friendly relations between the two countries require the efforts of young people from both countries.

  王俊懿小记者向吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使赠送礼物,希望大使喜欢中华文化

  林诗惟向吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使赠送礼物,希望大使开心快乐

  于涵向吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使赠送书画作品

  张东宸向吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使赠送礼物,邀请大使到广州旅游

  林志儒向吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使赠送礼物,祝他在中国工作顺利

  刘敏君小记者把成都市的吉祥物”小熊猫“赠送吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使

  吴宜哲向吴帝林翁(Mr. Thit Linn Ohn)大使赠送书画作品

作者:不详  来源:本网站

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