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"Witness of Friendship" Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewed the Consul General of Indonesia in Guangzhou Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat

时间:2022-8-4 13:36:51


  印度尼西亚驻广州总领事斌加德阁下(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)向中外新闻社总裁韦燕赠送礼品

    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网小记者)7月22日“见证友谊”中外新闻社小记者采访印度尼西亚驻广州总领事馆、关注中印友好关系发展对两国青少年的健康成长。印度尼西亚驻广州总领事斌加德阁下, 中外新闻社小记者团领队、中外新闻社总裁韦燕先后在小记者团采访会议上致辞。
    On July 22nd, "Witness of Friendship" Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation had an exclusive interview with the Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou to focus on the healthy growth of the children in the two countries through the development of China-Indonesia’s friendly relations. The Consul General of Indonesia in Guangzhou Mr. Ben Perkasa Drajat and the President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan delivered speeches at the beginning of the interview session.

  印度尼西亚驻广州总领事斌加德阁下(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)致欢迎辞

    斌加德总领事说:“今天阳光明媚是个好日子, 非常欢迎中国的小记者们访问印度尼西亚驻广州总领事馆。” 他说, 印尼和广东在文化教育合作方面取得的丰硕成果。广州是历史文化名城、著名的侨乡, 广州历来与印度尼西亚城市间的经贸往来和人文交流密切, 广州到印度尼西亚首都雅加达才4个小时, 双方积极开展合作交流, 推进实施相关的合作项目。
    Consul General Ben Perkasa Drajat said: “Today is a sunny day, and I very much welcome Chinese junior journalists to visit the Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou!” He said that Indonesia and Guangdong have achieved fruitful results in cultural and educational cooperation. Guangzhou is a famous historical and cultural city and a famous hometown of many overseas Chinese. Guangzhou has always had close economic and cultural exchanges between cities in Indonesia. It takes only 4-hour flight from Guangzhou to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. The two sides actively carried out cooperation and exchanges to promote the implementation of relevant cooperation projects.


    韦燕在致辞中表示, 应国家主席习近平邀请, 印度尼西亚共和国总统佐科•维多多将于2022年7月25日至26日访华, “见证友谊” 中外新闻社小记者团今天采访印度尼西亚驻广州总领事馆、关注中印友好关系发展寓意深远, 我们必将会获取很大的收获。
    In her speech, Mrs. Wei Yan said that at the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Joko Widodo, is visiting China from July 25 to 26, 2022. “Witness of Friendship” Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation interviewing with the Indonesian Consulate General in Guangzhou today showed great importance in the development of China- Indonesia friendly relations. We will surely make great achievement in today’s interview.

  夏夕雅小记者向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事提问

    有小记者问:总领事先生你2022年2月7日正式上任印度尼西亚共和国驻广州总领事职位, 作为新任总领事, 你将如何为中国广东和印尼两地青少年交流贡献自己的智慧和力量?
    A junior journalist asked: “Mr. Consul General, you officially became the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Guangzhou on February 7, 2022. As the new Consul General, how will you contribute your wisdom and efforts to the youth exchanges between Guangdong, China and Indonesia?”

    斌加德总领事首先到会议厅大屏幕的印度尼西亚地图, 告诉小记者们印度尼西亚所在的位置:印度尼西亚位于亚洲东南部,地跨赤道,与巴布亚新几内亚、东帝汶、马来西亚接壤,与泰国、新加坡、菲律宾、澳大利亚等国隔海相望, 2022年是印尼与中国建交72周年,近年来,印尼与中国在经济、教育、人才培养等领域的合作不断增强。斌加德总领事说, 未来是属于你们的, 我认为, 广东和印尼两地青少年首先要了解对方的历史、文化, 再过20年, 你们将成为国家的栋梁, 要为世界和平做出贡献。
    Consul General Ben Perkasa Drajat first went to the map of Indonesia on the big screen in the conference hall and told the junior journalists about Indonesia’s location: Indonesia is located in the southeast of Asia, across the equator, bordering Papua New Guinea, East Timor, Malaysia, and Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Australia and other countries across the sea. The year 2022 marks the 72nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and China. In recent years, Indonesia and China have continuously strengthened their cooperation in the fields of economy, education, and talent training. Consul General Ben Perkasa Drajat said that the future belongs to you. I believe that the young people of Guangdong and Indonesia must first understand each other's history and culture. In another 20 years, you will become the pillars of the country and contribute to world peace. 

  陆家荞小记者向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事提问

    小记者问:“印度尼西亚是一个美丽的国家, 旅游资源非常丰富, 有被评为‘世界上最值得去的国家’的美誉。请你谈谈印尼的文化和旅游。谢谢!”
    The junior journalist asked: “Indonesia is a beautiful country with very rich tourism resources. It is known as the ‘the most worthwhile country to visit in the world’. Could you please share with us about unique culture and tourism of Indonesia? Thank you!”

    “印尼有世界上最美的海滩, 我们将在8月20日举办‘印尼文化日’, 邀请你们参加, 你们会在这里找到答案。印尼文化日将呈现印尼文化、音乐、美食、咖啡等, 让你们体验一个充满魅力的印度尼西亚。” 斌加德总领事谈到。
    “Indonesia has the most beautiful beaches in the world, we will hold ‘Indonesia Culture Day’ event on August 20 here, and we invite you to find the answer here. Indonesia Culture Day will present Indonesian culture, music, food, coffee, etc. You experience a charming Indonesia.” said Consul General Ben Perkasa Drajat.

  叶锐林小记者向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事提问

    The youngest junior journalist in the delegation asked: “What is the difference in education between Indonesia and China? How many school holidays do primary school students have every year? Do they have a lot of homework during the holidays? What do they do in their spare time? Thank you!”

    斌加德总领事回答:“印尼的教育和中国差不多, 但是印尼学生放假的时间很短, 暑期最长不超过3周, 一个班40个人, 学生很少作业, 学习很轻松。”
    Consul General Ben Perkasa Drajat replied: “Indonesia's education system is similar to China, but Indonesian students have very short vacation time, the longest summer vacation is not more than 3 weeks. A class normally has 40 students, and they rarely do homework so their study seems easy there.”

  斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事来到大屏幕,告诉小记者们印度尼西亚共和国所在的位置

    小记者采访会上, 斌加德总领事幽默坦然, 一个小时就和小记者们结为好朋友, 大家互赠礼物, 玩“自拍”, 请总领事签名等, 现场其乐融融。小记者感慨:“我们将会记住在印尼总领馆的难忘时光。”
    During the interview, Consul General Ben Perkasa Drajat was humorous and calm, and he and all junior journalists became good friends within one hour. Everyone exchanged gifts, took “selfies pictures”, asked for his signature. The conference hall was full of fun and joy. Junior journalists expressed with emotion: “We will never forget this this unforgettable time in the Indonesian Consulate General.”

  丁家瑶小记者向向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事赠送书画礼品

  科学少年说--邀请斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事签名支持中国青少年科普讲解大赛

  小记者们饶有兴趣的同斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)交流源远流长意义深远的中印文化

  刘千若小记者向达瑞西(Mr.Hossein Darvishi)总领事介绍自己就读的广州外国语学校,希望学校与印尼在文化、教育上有合作

  邱晨曦小记者向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事提问

  张思仪小记者向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事赠送自己创作的书法作品

  严先成小记者向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事赠送礼物

  陆家荞小记者向向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事赠送来自家乡佛山的非物质文化礼品

  王蓉小记者向斌加德(Mr.Ben Perkasa Drajat)总领事诠释自己剪纸作品--中国最古老的民间艺术


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