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Junior journalists of Home and Abroad News Press visited the EU Shanghai Expo Pavilion

时间:2010-8-10 10:53:13


    上海世博会欧盟馆的主题是“智能欧盟”,欧盟27个国家如同“脑细胞”一样紧密联系,就像人的智力那样,通过大脑的不同部分建立联系,建立“智能”欧盟就是在不同的成员国之间建立联系,形成一系列共同的规则和标准、联合项目以及高标准的欧洲生活方式。7月23日下午,中外新闻社小记者在总编辑韦燕的带领下造访上海世博会欧盟馆,受到了欧盟驻华代表团一级参赞暨欧盟馆副总代表白玛丽(Marie-Paule Benassi)和活动馆长罗善德(Oliver Rassat)的热情接待。
    The theme of European Union Shanghai Expo Pavilion is “Intelligent EU”. The European 27 member countries have been cemented together like “Brain Cell” and worked through different parts of the brain. To establish an intelligent EU is to create connections among various members and form a series of common rules, standards, and joint projects as well as high quality of life in European. July 23th afternoon, junior journalists of Home and Abroad News Press visited EU Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo, led by Chief Editor Ms. Yan Wei, and were warmly received by the Deputy Representative of EU Pavilion Ms. Marie-Paule Benassi and the Curator Mr. Oliver Rassat.

    In the VIP room at the third floor of EU pavilion, 22 junior journalists of Home and Abroad News Press interviewed Marie-Paule and Rassat, who were surrounded, on topics of questions interest themselves. Firstly, Marie-Paule introduced to junior journalists that the appearance of EU pavilion was inspired by the shape of brain cells which implies close connections among EU and growth with collaboration. She also emphasized the key role of EU headquarters in European cooperation and development, which located at Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

    Mary told the junior journalists that the theme of EU Pavilion at this Expo is "Intelligent Europe." Visiting EU Pavilion is a great chance to enhance the understanding of EU history. The main battlefields of both two world wars were in Europe, and the first exhibition hall of EU pavilion named "Europe under constructing" was to show how the post-war European leaders joined hands to establish the European Union, so as to let war and tragedy of the past gone forever, left only peace and unity in the future.

    When responding to the question, posed by junior journalists, of how do EU citizens cooperate with each other, Mary replied: "I am French, my father took part in the Second World War, killed 18 Germans. Mr. Rassat is Germany , his father had embarked on the battlefield of World War II. Germany and France had mutual history filled with violence and sorrow. And now, I and Mr. Rassat are very good friends, we works together with pleasure. " Mary hope we have witnessed indelible contributions for the peace and development of the world made EU after World War II. The prosperity of EU is marked by the cooperation among the EU citizens.

    Junior journalist Da Song asked Mary:"In people's impression, The EU is usually a political concept. Is there any connection between EU paviliion and culture?" Mary replied that in the fourth exhibition named "Vigor Europe", there were a three-minute video showing the whole day urban life of EU citizens, covering transport, food, architecture, music, art, education, history and so on. Junior journalist Beibei Chen expressed the curious about how children live and study in EU. Mary told her that the kids in EU, like kids in China, were stay in front of computer as soon as arrived home after school. Once again Mary recommended junior journalists to watch the short video named "One day of the EUs” , which demonstrated after school life of children in the EU, especially how they had chances to develop their own interests and get closer to nature.

    随后小记者参观欧盟馆,在“构建欧洲”走廊了解欧盟历史之后,进入“开放欧洲”展厅,这里展示的是欧洲所取得的经济与社会成就,“绿色欧洲”展示了欧洲在改善和保护环境、建立创新及可持续发展社会之旅。 “活力欧洲”展厅---在这里得到一次全新的三维立体式体验:两个大型屏幕全面展示了五彩缤纷与活力四射的欧洲城市生活:文化、历史、艺术、美食、生活方式……
    Afterward, junior journalists visited the EU pavilion, After they visited the corridor named "Building Europe" showing European history, they went to the "Open Europe" exhibition, which represented economic and social success made by Europe. And the "Green Europe" shows the contribution in the improvement and protection of Europe environment and the creation of innovative and sustainable development society. "Vigor Europe" exhibition, which was a brand new 3D experience, had two large-screen to display the colorful and full vibrant European city life, including culture, history, art, food, lifestyle, etc.

    采访结束,韦燕总编代表中外新闻社小记者团,向欧盟馆赠送具有中国特色礼品和第57期《中外新闻》刊登欧盟副主席维维亚娜• 雷丁女士访谈的样刊作为纪念,白玛丽副总代表也回赠了礼品,并向中外新闻社小记者赠送了欧盟的吉祥物---可爱的“欧欧”和“盟盟”,令小记者们十分开心。白玛丽和罗善德欢迎更多的中国少年儿童来访欧盟馆。
    In the end of the interview, Chief Editor Ms. Yan Wei, on behalf of junior journalists group of  Home and Abroad News Press, presented EU pavilion a gift of Chinese characteristics and 《Home and Abroad News Press》volume 57, which published the interview of  EU vice-chairman Ms.Viviane, as souvenirs. Deputy Representative Mary gave a gift in return, and gave EU's lovely mascot ---"OuOu" and "MengMeng" to junior journalists, which makes junior journalists very happy. Mary and Rassat welcomes more Chinese children visit the EU pavilion.


作者:林 敏 刘梦倩  来源:本网站

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