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2024 Winter Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation Interviews Ambassador of Malta to ChinaH.E.Mr.John Busuttil

时间:2024-4-28 12:02:45

核心提示:马耳他共和国是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,位于南欧,是地中海中心的岛国,马耳他亦是英联邦和欧盟的成员国。马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下是一位资深的外交家,在马耳他政界和外交界都享有很高声誉,2024您1月30日下午, “见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者前往大使馆采访马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下...

  马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)欢迎小记者团团长、中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    (中外新闻社小记者 吴凯航 曾家皓 王林熙 杨毅城 方礼辰)马耳他共和国是一个高度发达的资本主义国家,位于南欧,是地中海中心的岛国,马耳他亦是英联邦和欧盟的成员国。马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下是一位资深的外交家,在马耳他政界和外交界都享有很高声誉,2024您1月30日下午, “见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者前往大使馆采访马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下。
    The Republic of Malta is a highly developed capitalist country located in Southern Europe.An island nation in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, Malta is also a member of the Commonwealth and the European Union. TheMaltese Ambassador to China H.E. Mr.John Busuttil is a veteran diplomat who enjoys a high reputation in Malta's political and diplomatic circles. On the afternoon of January 30th, 2024, “Witnessing Friendship” Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation had an exclusive interview with AmbassadorJohn Busuttil.

  马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)向小记者们介绍马耳他国家文化

    A junior journalist asked: “Hello, Dear Ambassador! It is a great pleasure for us to have this interview with you. You are an outstanding diplomat, served as the Director of Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta, you are a role model for us to be the diplomat. As Ambassador to China, in your opinions, how will the youth of the two countries carry on the valuable friendship between China and Malta over the 52 years of diplomatic relations? Thank you!”

  曾家皓小记者就感兴趣的问题向马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)提问

    “谢谢,首先非常欢迎中外新闻社的小记者们访问马耳他驻华大使馆。马耳他被誉为‘欧洲后花园’ ,是一个全球唯一的‘四位一体’国家,集欧洲同盟国、欧元区、申根国、英联邦于一身。现在有很多中国学生在马耳他留学和学习英文,但是马耳他的学生很少在中国留学。这也是我以后工作的重点,希望更多的马耳他学生来中国留学,推动马耳他和中国青少年的交流。”
    “Thank you, and first of all a very warm welcome to the junior journalists of Home and Abroad News Pressfor coming to the Maltese Embassy in China. Malta is known as the ‘Backyard Garden of Europe’, and it is the only ‘Four-in-One’ country in the world because Malta is a member of the European Union, the Eurozone, Schengen and the Commonwealth.Now, many Chinese students are currently studying or learning Englishin Malta, but not so many Maltese students are studying in China. This is also my work focus and hope more Maltese students come to China for education to further promote the youth exchanges between Malta and China.”


    “Hello, Dear Ambassador! On October 2017, St. Margaret High School in Malta offered Chinese language courses for the first time among Maltese public secondary schools, and in the same year, Beijing Foreign Studies University also offered a Maltese language program. Nowadays, more and more young Maltese people are learning Chinese. What do you think about the educational cooperation potential between China and Malta? Thank you!”


    The Ambassador said thank you for your question. Malta, although small, has its own language, Maltese. There are more than 1,000 languages in the world, and there are only 101 language programs at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, but they actually include Maltese. This shows that many Chinese people want to learn Maltese, and there are also many locals in Malta who are learning Chinese language and culture through the Confucius Institute and the Chinese Cultural Center. This is a great way to promote mutual understanding, mutual learning and joint friendship between young people of the two countries.

  王林熙小记者就感兴趣的问题向马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)提问

    When communicating with the junior journalists, AmbassadorBusuttiltalked about the bright prospects of tourism cooperation between Europe and China. Taking Malta as an example, he said that tourism is an important sector of Maltese economy, accounting for 30% of the country's total economy. Malta has been included in China's list of the third batch of countries that have resumed outbound group tours, and more Chinese tourists are welcome to visit Malta. “We plan to launch cruise tours, where Chinese tour groups can take a cruise ship from Malta and sail to different places and cities.” He continued that “Europe is very popular with Chinese tourists and we hope to realize these plans as soon as possible.”

  吴凯航小记者就感兴趣的问题向马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)提问

    The beauty of Malta is beyond your imagination. When you stand in Malta and look out over the endless sea, it is as if you are standing on a small point looking at the infinite world. Malta is also one of the Schengen countries, which means that by obtaining a visa for Malta you can easily access to other Schengen countries, which allows you to travel to most European countries. In fact, those who have been to Malta will find that on any day of the year, 365 days a year, there are more foreigners in Malta than Maltese nationals. As Maltese Ambassador to China, the most important mission is to make people aware of the value of Malta's existence. We believe that Malta can offer great opportunities for Chinese people to visit Malta. The Ambassador hopes that the junior journalists will be able to visit Malta with their parents in the future.


    At the end of the interview, the junior journalists presented the small gifts they prepared to AmbassadorBusuttil. At that moment, the conference room of the Maltese Embassy was filled with joy and laughter. When taking a group photo, everyone shouted: the friendship between China and Malta last forever......


    AmbassadorBusuttilpraised the junior journalists of Home and Abroad News Press: “You are the future spokesmen of China.”

    Before leaving the embassy,all junior journalists felt that visiting the Maltese embassy was a really enjoyable experience, and the Maltese diplomats really opened our eyes through their well-developed diplomatic temperaments.

  刘乐奕小记者向马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)赠送中国的文化礼品




  马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)为小记者签名

  马耳他驻华大使白瀚轩阁下(H.E.Mr.John Busuttil)同小记者们愉快的比划“心”的手势合影,寓意中马两国心心相印、友谊万岁


作者:小记者 吴凯航 曾家皓 王林熙 杨毅城 方礼辰  来源:本网站

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