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虎年画虎虎虎生威 多国使节盛赞美女画家

Chen Zhaojuans Art Exhibition successfully held at the Slovak Embassy

时间:2022-9-14 13:20:26

核心提示:应斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下邀请, 2022年9月9日, 著名年轻实力派国画画家陈兆娟在斯洛伐克驻华大使官邸举行画展开幕式, 陈兆娟画展开幕式与斯洛伐克共和国宪法日和建军节庆典同步举行。出席活动的大使有:斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下, 美国驻华大使尼古拉斯&...


    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 班晓旭 北京报道)应斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下邀请, 2022年9月9日, 著名年轻实力派国画画家陈兆娟在斯洛伐克驻华大使官邸举行画展开幕式, 陈兆娟画展开幕式与斯洛伐克共和国宪法日和建军节庆典同步举行。出席活动的大使有:斯洛伐克共和国驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下, 美国驻华大使尼古拉斯•伯恩斯阁下, 亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下、牙买加驻华大使丘伟基阁下、克罗地亚驻华大使达里欧•米海林阁下、捷克驻华大使佟福德阁下、拉脱维亚驻华大使玛雅•马尼卡女士、新加坡驻华大使吕德耀阁下, 毛里求斯驻华大使王纯万阁下、奥地利驻华大使利肯阁下、黎巴嫩驻华大使米莉亚•贾布尔阁下、泰国驻华大使阿塔育•习萨目阁下, 印度尼西亚驻华大使周浩黎阁下, 西班牙驻华大使拉法埃尔•德斯卡亚阁下,斯洛文尼亚驻华大使苏岚女士, 法国驻华大使罗梁阁下, 墨西哥驻华大使施雅德阁下, 希腊驻华大使乔治•伊利奥普洛斯阁下, 格鲁吉亚驻华大使阿尔赤•卡岚第亚阁下, 汤加驻华大使陶阿伊卡•乌塔阿图阁下及欧洲多国驻华使馆的武官等。
    At the invitation of the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to China, H.E.Mr.Dusan Bella, the famous young Chinese female painter Ms. Chen Zhaojuan held the opening ceremony of her painting exhibition at the residence of the Slovak Ambassador to China on September 9, 2022. The art exhibition was a part of the celebration of the Constitution Day and the Defense Forces Day of Slovakia. The attending foreign diplomats included the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to China H.E. Mr. Dusan Bella, Ambassador of United States to China H.E. Mr. Nicholas Burns, Ambassador of Armenia to China, H.E. Mr. Sergey Manassarian, Ambassador  of Jamaica to China H.E. Mr. Antonia Hugh, Ambassador of Croatia to China H.E. Mr. Dario Mihelin, Ambassador of Czech Republic to China H.E. Mr. Vladimír Tomsík, Ambassador of Latvia to China H.E. Mrs. Maija Manika, Ambassador of Singapore to China H.E. Mr. Lui Tuck Yew, Ambassador of Mauritius to China H.E. Mr. Alain Wong Yen Cheong, Ambassador of Austria to China H.E. Dr. Andreas Riechen, Ambassador of Lebanon to China H.E. Mrs. Milia Jabbour, Ambassador of Thailand to China H.E. Mr. Arthayudh Srisamoot, Ambassador of Indonesia to China H.E.Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun, Ambassador of Spain to China H.E.Mr. Rafael Dezcallar de Mazarredo, Ambassador of Slovenia to China H.E.Mrs. Alenka Suhadonik, Ambassador of France to China H.E.Mr. Laurent Bili, Ambassador of Mexico to China H.E.Mr. Jesús Seade, Ambassador of Greece to China H.E.Mr. Georgios Iliopoulos, Ambassador of Georgia to China H.E.Mr. Archil Kalandia, Ambassador of Tonga to China H.E.Mr. Tauaika Utaatu and many defense attaches of European embassies in China.


    斯洛伐克驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下致欢迎辞。他说, 我很荣幸欢迎各位来到斯洛伐克驻华大使馆官邸, 与大家一同庆祝斯洛伐克共和国宪法日和建军节。
    The Ambassador of Slovakia to China H.E.Mr. Dusan Bella delivered a welcome speech. He said: I am honored to welcome all of you to the Slovakian Embassy in China to celebrate the Constitution Day and Defense Forces Day of the Slovak Republic with everyone here tonight.

    杜尚•贝拉说:“请允许我将诸位的注意力引向周围这些令人印象深刻的画作上, 这些以虎为主题的画作美轮美奂, 为美丽的宴会厅增光添彩。这些雄壮猛兽, 并不是之前提到的斯洛伐克“塔特拉之虎”, 而是中国之虎, 它象征着勇气, 力量, 优雅和壮丽。这些画作出自陈兆娟女士之手, 她的作品曾选入《中国当代书画名家精品大典》、《中国书画英才》, 同时, 在中央电视台央视网, 《人民日报》等多家媒体中刊载, 被评为中国未来艺术“原创作品”最具收藏潜力的百位画家之一。”
    He continued: “Please allow me to direct your attention to the impressive paintings around you, the tiger-themed paintings brought so much colours and energy to this venue. These vivid tigers are not the Slovak "Tatra Tigers", but the Chinese tigers, which symbolize courage, strength, grace and magnificence. These paintings are created by Mrs. Chen Zhaojuan, her works have been selected by the "Famous Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Collections" and "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Talents". At the same time, the artworks have been published in CCTV, People's Daily and other Chinese mainstream media; as a result, her paintings were also selected as one of the top 100 most potential collectors of ‘original artworks’ of Chinese future art.”

  斯洛伐克驻华大使杜尚•贝拉阁下(H.E.Mr.Dusan Bella)点赞陈兆娟画作

    随着大使的指引, 众嘉宾把目光聚焦在陈兆娟的画作上, 陈兆娟笔下的虎, 可谓形神俱妙, 既具雄健威武之形, 又有野逸灵动之神, 画境深沉、苍凉、厚重, 观众甚至可以感受到洪荒激荡的涌动气势!牙买加驻华大使丘伟基阁下同其他外交官不约而同地表示:虎是百兽之王, 作为正义、勇猛、威严的象征, 虎威、虎胆、猛虎出山。 老虎自古以来深受人们喜爱, 陈兆娟画虎, 其技法高妙, 善将美好图腾与时代精神揉进画面, “虎虎有生气”, 一虎雄视巡山, 两虎亲密相依, 三虎和谐一家, 五虎“五福临门”…在陈兆娟画展上我们都感受到了。
    With the ambassador's direction, all the guests focused their attention on Chen Zhaojuan's paintings. The tigers in Chen Zhaojuan's paintings are vivid in form and spirit. The tigers have both majestic and mighty shape and a wild and agile spirit. The paintings are deep and desolated with impressive visual impacts. Jamaican Ambassador Antonia Hugh and other diplomats unanimously said that the tiger is the king of all beasts symbolizing justice, bravery and majesty. People love tigers as a part of Chinese traditions. Mrs. Chen Zhaojuan draws tigers with her superb techniques and beautiful totems and spirits. "Tigers are the source of great energy", we all felt it through her vivid paintings.

  亚美尼亚驻华大使谢尔盖•马纳萨良阁下(H.E.Mr.Sergey Manassarian)祝贺陈兆娟画展开幕

    陈兆娟, 字娴锦,出生于山水甲天下的桂林。自幼习画,别无他能,是风光秀丽的山水, 水墨丹青的色彩让陈兆娟得到了美的熏陶, 和艺术的升华。擅山水、人物、花鸟、走兽等, 笔墨细腻清润, 讲究法度, 追求意境。中国自古以来有虎文化, 虎文化在中国源远流长, 是强壮、威武的象征;虎是代表吉祥与平安的瑞兽, 象征压倒一切、所向无敌的威力;象征着权力、热情和大胆。
    Mrs. Chen Zhaojuan, courtesy name Xianjin, was born in Guilin, the most beautiful city in the world, and learning painting since her childhood. The hometown’s beautiful landscapes provided a great art environment for her to pursue the sublimation of art. She is good at drawing landscapes, figures, flowers and birds, beasts etc. She pays attention to the balance of nature with the artistic conception. China has a tiger culture since ancient times. The tiger culture has a long history in China and is a symbol of strength and power; the tiger is also an auspicious beast representing prosperity, peace, power, enthusiasm and bravery.

  韦燕总裁同牙买加驻华大使丘伟基阁下(H.E.Mr.Antonia Hugh)盛赞陈兆娟画作

    陈兆娟作品多次在国内书画大赛中获奖,  2006年一幅<<獒王>>被新加坡艺术馆收藏, 被称为獒王。其特别擅长工笔动物, 其藏獒更受一些书画界人士青眯, 广泛被行内人士看好并收藏, 此次陈兆娟作品展, 现场令各国外交使节大开眼界。
    Mrs. Chen Zhaojuan has received many awards in domestic painting and calligraphy competitions. In 2006, her masterpiece “The Mastiff King” was collected by the Singapore Art Museum and was called the King of Mastiff. She is particularly good at drawing meticulous animals. Because the Tibetan mastiff is more popular in the painting and calligraphy circles, her paintings are widely praised and collected by arts collectors. This painting exhibition has opened the eyes of diplomatic envoys from various countries.

    斯洛伐克大使官邸的后花园, 大家一边品尝斯洛伐克烤肉、美食, 品斯洛伐克红酒, 一边欣赏著名画家陈兆娟画作,  各国使节在享受着这个美好的夜晚。
    In the backyard garden of the Slovak ambassador's residence, everyone enjoyed Slovak barbecue dinner and the special Slovak wine while appreciating the wonderful paintings of the famous painter Chen Zhaojuan.

  泰国驻华大使阿塔育•习萨目阁下(H.E.Mr.Arthayudh Srisamoot)祝贺陈兆娟画展开幕


  各国武官同斯洛伐克大使夫人贝洛娃(Eugenia Bellova)相聚在陈兆娟画展开幕式上




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