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2024 Winter Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation Interviews Ambassador of Estonia to China H.E.Mr. Hannes Hanso

时间:2024-2-17 10:37:15


  爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)欢迎到访的小记者团领队、中外新闻社总裁韦燕

    (中外新闻社小记者 郭优墨 蔡易雯 刘乐奕 王林熙)爱沙尼亚共和国位于波罗的海东岸,东与俄罗斯接壤,南与拉脱维亚相邻,北邻芬兰湾,与芬兰隔海相望。1991年8月20日,爱沙尼亚脱离前苏联,宣布独立。同年9月17日,联合国宣布接纳爱沙尼为成员国。并于2004年3月29日加入北约,5月1日加入欧盟,2011年1月1日加入欧元区。爱沙尼亚是一个四周都是海的美丽优雅之国,旅游资源丰富多彩,湖泊岛屿星罗棋布,中世纪古城堡和古教堂、国家公园、海边度假胜地等常年吸引着世界各地游客,被人们赞为“欧洲国家的后花园”。2024年1月31日下午,“见证友谊” --中外新闻社小记者前往大使馆采访爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下。
    The Republic of Estonia is located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, bordering with Russia, Latvia and Finland. On August 20, 1991, Estonia seceded from the former Soviet Union and declared its independence. On September 17 of the same year, the United Nations accepted Estonia as a member state. Estonia joined NATO on March 29, 2004, joined the European Union on May 1, and then joined the Eurozone on January 1, 2011. Estonia is a beautiful and elegant country surrounded by the sea, rich and colorful tourism resources with many lakes and islands. It has medieval castles and ancient churches, national parks and seaside resorts attracting tourists from all over the world, and it has been praised as the “Backyard of European countries”. On the afternoon of January 31st, "Witnessing Friendship" -- Home and Abroad News Press Junior Journalist Delegation had an exclusive interview with the Ambassador of Estonia to China H.E. Mr. Hannes Hanso at the Estonian Embassy in China.

  爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)向小记者介绍爱沙尼亚国家文化

    Ambassador Hannes Hanso firstly introduced Estonian national education to the junior journalists in details: in order to let all children enjoy equal and fair education rights, Estonia exempts tuition fees in the compulsory education stage. Moreover, a fair and just education system has been established to keep the education system pure and free from the control of capital. Because Estonia attaches great importance to education, Estonian people’s education level is very high and scientific and technological progress is also rapid to boost up Estonia's economy. Today, Estonia is the country with the highest level of economic development since the collapse of the Soviet Union and is also known as a developed country in the world. Although Estonia's development has been enhanced by many external forces, its own efforts are the main driving force. Estonia's reformation in finance and education are worth studying and learning from for other countries.


    在采访环节小记者问:您好尊敬的大使阁下!我们小记者能采访您感到非常高兴。您是一位出色的外交官,毕业于伦敦大学亚非学院, 获得亚洲政治硕士学位, 曾在国防部国际合作司工作, 并担任国防部长。自2022年9月开起你担任爱沙尼亚驻中国、蒙古、泰国越南大使。你认为:两国青少年, 将如何传承中爱建交33年来的宝贵友谊?谢谢!
    During the interview session, the junior reporter asked: “Hello, Dear Ambassador! It is a great pleasure for us to have this interview with you. You are an outstanding diplomat! You graduated from University of London with a Master's Degree in Asian Politics, and you worked in the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense and served as the Minister of Defense. Since September 2022, you have been the Estonian Ambassador to China, Mongolia, Thailand and Vietnam. In your opinions, how will the youth of the two countries carry on the valuable friendship between China and Estonia over the 33 years of diplomatic relations? Thank you!”


    Ambassador Hanso said that in my opinion, the youth of the two countries need to understand each other's culture first and foremost, and look for opportunities for continuous exchanges and communication, so as to build a bridge of friendship between international youth and promote the overall enhancement of the level of opening up to the outside world for the youth of the two countries.


    小记者问:您好大使阁下, 爱沙尼亚是海洋性气候, 温度适宜, 首都被评定为空气质量最好的地方,森林覆盖率达到48%, 最适合人类居住的地方。祝贺爱沙尼亚很荣幸被列入中国出境游试点国家名单之中。请您谈谈的爱沙尼亚的文化和旅游。谢谢!
    Another junior journalist asked: “Hello Mr. Ambassador, Estonia has an oceanic climate with favorable temperatures, the capital city has been rated as the place with the best air quality with 48% of forests, the most suitable place for human habitation. Congratulations to Estonia for being included in the list of pilot countries for outbound tours in China. Please tell us more about Estonia's culture and tourism. Thank you!”

  中外新闻社总裁韦燕、副总裁张珈闻向爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)介绍小记者团阵容

    Ambassador Hanso said, Estonia is a small country in northern Europe - as an unforgettable tourist destination. Its natural beauty combined with its long history and culture attracts travelers from all over the world. With its vast forests, lakes or stunning coastline, Estonia feels like a fairy tale world for many people. It is also famous for its unique nature; therefore, you can enjoy the wonders of nature to the fullest here. Whether you're exploring the tawny forests of late fall or standing on the shores of a lake looking over a fast-flowing waterfall, Estonia offers a one-of-the-kind experience. The natural environment is well protected, allowing people to see the pristine beauty of the nature with a personal touch.


    小记者问:您好大使阁下, 我们无数次在网上聆听你新年诵诗《飞向蜂巢》, 用一首诗表达异乡游子对故土的思念, 我们感同身受。中国--是你的第二故乡, 请你谈谈你对中国的印象?谢谢!
    “Hello Mr. Ambassador, we have listened to your New Year recitation of the poem "He flies towards the beehive" on the Internet, and we feel the same way as your expression a foreign traveler for his homeland. China is considered as your second hometown, could you please tell us your impression of China. Thank you!” asked by a junior journalist.

  爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)为小记者们签名

    The ambassador said with emotion: this poem is a poem about longing, longing for home, longing to return to the motherland, which I think is a feeling that many people would feel who have been abroad for a long time. Especially now that snow is falling outside the house, I feel as if I have returned home to Estonia, and my soul is flying to my motherland, not me, but my heart ......


    中国是韩朔大使的第二故乡, 他和他的家人们都很喜欢中国,喜欢中国的食物,如烧烤和火锅,以及不同地域的文化,更喜欢人和人之间浓浓的人情味。
    China is Ambassador Hanso’s second home. He and his family love China, the Chinese food, such as barbecue and hot pot, and the diverse culture of different regions, and even more so, the strong human touch between people.

    During the meeting with the junior journalists, Ambassador Hanso’s insights on global affairs and China's development were truly inspiring for the older journalists. In order to better share some of the insights and perspectives, the junior journalists asked Ambassador Hanso to sign his signature and leave his contact information.


    At the end of the interview, the journalists also presented small gifts to Ambassador Hanso and other embassy diplomats. The ambassador invited all delegation members to taste Estonian snacks and drinks, and then took a group photo together. All junior journalists and the Estonian diplomats had a happy and unforgettable afternoon with each other.

  爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)请小记者品尝爱沙尼亚糖果和食品





  爱沙尼亚驻华大使韩朔阁下(H.E.Mr.Hannes Hanso)同小记者们欢呼:中爱友谊万岁

作者:小记者 郭优墨 蔡易雯 刘乐奕 王林熙  来源:本网站

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