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List of 2023 “Home and Abroad News Press - the News Persons of the Year” prize winners

时间:2024-1-3 13:52:52


    In today's multicultural global society, Home and Abroad News Press has been designated as the mainstream media by three United Nation associated organizations. Based on the great influence of our strong brand recognition, we introduced “The News Person of the Year” annual prizes to recognize excellent persons who made remarkable contributions to the international society and promoting peace and harmony in the global community for many years. In the recent years, as many as 96 foreign ambassadors and diplomats have received this special honor. Based on our exclusive interviews and the recommendations from other mainstream media, “2023 Home and Abroad News Press - the News Persons of the Year” prize winners are:

The first prize winner is Ambassador of Türkiye to China, H.E.Mr.Ismail Hakki Musa
    Winning reasons: Ambassador Ismail Hakki Musa is an accomplished politician and diplomat. He holds a PhD in Public Law/ European Community Law. He has served as Deputy Undersecretary of the Prime Ministry, Director General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye, Ambassador of Türkiye to Belgium and France. One of the things he used to say during his tenure as Turkish Ambassador to China is that “My country connects Asia, Europe and Africa and can help China's trade with the world.” With his remarkable efforts, the bilateral import and export volume between China and Türkiye was about 36.6 billion USD in January-October 2023, an increase of 4.6 billion USD compared to the same period of 2022, a year-on-year increase of 15.2%. In this everchanging global economic environment, this is an impressive achievement in bilateral trade records!

    入选理由:玛雅•斯特法诺维奇大使是一名出色的外交官,与中国结缘30年,美丽与智慧于一身。在她的推动下,双边科技合作进展顺利,特别在疫情防控、人工智能、空间技术、生物技术、科技园区等领域产生了一批重要合作成果。扩大科研人员往来,加大联合研发力度,深化在“中国—中东欧国家合作”等多边机制框架下的协作。除了无人机的装备输入,中塞双方还进行了技术转让与合作。中国将无人机生产线交给了塞尔维亚,从而提升了后者的军用无人机技术水平。至今中国在塞尔维亚投资者中排名第一,并在2021年、2022年和2023年上半年保持了这一地位,玛雅•斯特法诺维奇大使还积极分别前往中国各地市、各部门交换信息, 开展学术、科技合作, 以此将塞尔维亚与“一带一路”倡议深度对接。
The second prize winner is Ambassador of Serbia to China, H.E.Mrs.Maja Stefanovic
    Winning reasons: Ambassador Maja Stefanovic is an outstanding diplomat with 30-years deep relations with China, she is beauty and wisdom in one. Under her active promotion, bilateral scientific and technological cooperation has progressed smoothly, especially in the fields of epidemic prevention and control, artificial intelligence, space technology, biotechnology, science and technology parks and other areas, which have achieved many important cooperation results. She has also expanded the exchange of scientific researchers, intensified joint research and development efforts, and deepened collaboration under the framework of multilateral mechanisms such as the China-Central and Eastern European Cooperation (CECC). In addition to the import of UAV equipment, China and Serbia have also engaged in technology transfer and cooperation. China has handed over the production line of drones to Serbia, thus upgrading the Serbian military drone technology. So far, China has been ranked as the number one investor in Serbia in 2021, 2022 and the first half of 2023, and Ambassador Maja Stefanović has actively traveled to various cities and departments in China to exchange information and develop academic, scientific and technological cooperation, thus deeply connecting Serbia with the Belt and Road Initiative.

    入选理由:2020年是中国与津巴布韦建交40周年,值此时刻马丁•切冬多出任津巴布韦驻华大使,马丁•切东多备感荣幸。马丁•切冬多曾担任津巴布韦国防情报局局长、作战和训练参谋长、后勤和支援服务参谋长等职务,并获得多个奖项,包括莫桑比克战役勋章、津巴布韦卓越功勋奖,之后晋升为中将。马丁•切东多博士获南非大学(UNISA)国际关系与外交学士学位,非洲大学公共部门管理硕士学位及南非昆士兰大学领导伦理学博士学位。马丁•切冬多担任津巴布韦驻华大使期间,用自己的智慧和力量发挥驻华大使职能, 推动着津巴布韦和中国友好关系的发展, 积极帮助中国投资者评估津巴布韦行业投资价值, 在推动 “一带一路” 国际合作平台上迎接挑战、履行承诺。马丁•切冬多任何时候都表达对台湾, 新疆, 西藏的立场和态度, 重申坚持一个中国原则。
The third prize winner is Ambassador of Zimbabwe to China, H.E.Mr.Martin Chedondo
    Winning reasons: It is an honor for Mr. Martin Chedondo to serve as the Zimbabwe Ambassador to China on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Zimbabwe in 2020. He has served as Director General of the Zimbabwe Defense Intelligence Agency, Chief of Staff for Operations and Training, and Chief of Staff for Logistics and Support Services, and has received several awards including the Mozambique Campaign Medal, the Zimbabwe Award for Distinguished Service, before being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General. Dr. Martin Chedondo holds a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy from the University of South Africa (UNISA), a Master's Degree in Public Sector Management from the University of Africa and a PhD in Leadership Ethics from the University of Queensland, South Africa. During his tenure as Zimbabwe's Ambassador to China, Dr. Martin Chedondo tirelessly promotes the development of friendly relations between Zimbabwe and China and assists Chinese investors in assessing the investment value in Zimbabwe's industries to meet the challenges and fulfill the promises through promoting the "Belt and Road" international cooperation. He has at all times expressed his position and attitude towards Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet issues with his confirmed adherence to the “One China Principle”.

    入选理由:2023年9月22日注定是载入中叙关系史册的一天,习近平主席与巴沙尔总统在杭州举行历史性会晤,共同宣布建立中叙战略伙伴关系,为两国各领域友好交流合作做出顶层设计和战略规划。作为叙利亚驻华大使,他认为:通过文化交流能更好地了解中国,文化是中、叙两国人民的重要连接纽带,也是传承2000多年的友谊作为自己的使命。于是他四处联系,包括在叙利亚建立孔子学院,积极帮助中国投资者评估叙利亚国家投资价值。2022年1月,中叙签署“一带一路”谅解备忘录,双方经济合作再度加深, 共同拓展“一带一路”美好蓝图。
The 4th prize winner is Ambassador of Syria to China, H.E.Mr.Mhd Hasanein Khaddam
    Winning reasons: September 22, 2023 is a special day in the history of China and Syria relations, as President Xi Jinping and President Bashar al-Assad held a historic meeting in Hangzhou, jointly announcing the China and Syria’s Strategic Partnership, making top-level strategic planning for the friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields. As the Syrian Ambassador to China, he believes that people can better learn about China through culture exchange as culture is an important connecting link between the Chinese and Syrian people. He takes it as his own responsibility to carry on more than 2,000 years of friendship heritage between China and Syria. Therefore, he has been making tremendous efforts, including establishing a Confucius Institute in Syria and actively helping Chinese investors to invest in Syria. In January 2022, China and Syria signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on " Belt and Road", which deepens the economic cooperation and work together to create the bright future of the “Belt and Road” Initiative.

The 5th prize winner is Ambassador of Ethiopia to China, H.E.Mr.Tefera Derbew Yimam
    Winning reasons: Ambassador of Ethiopia to China Tefera Derbew Yimam is a young but outstanding senior diplomat. As the Ambassador, he believes that science and technology are very important to develop a country. He actively visited a number of universities and institutions in China, and he has already visited more than 10 cities in 8 provinces this year, seeking the opportunities for "Chinese language + vocational skills" curriculum construction, talent cultivation, technical services and other activities with Ethiopian institutions. While focusing on education, he also pays attention to economic development through online broadcasting promotions with Ethiopian goods in China. Every day he has a full schedule of work with a lot of ideas to promote cooperation between Ethiopia and China. With his great efforts, China has become Ethiopia's second largest exporter.

    入选理由:格鲁吉亚驻华大使阿尔赤•卡岚第亚阁下,镇定、干练、颇具风度且不失活泼。他经常说:“大使身份象征一个国家,为此我很自豪我能够在中国代表格鲁吉亚。”2018年12月18日,阿尔赤•卡岚第亚在人民大会堂向国家主席习近平递交国书,正式成为格鲁吉亚驻华大使,身为格鲁吉亚驻华大使,他曾获颁“格鲁吉亚与中华人民共和国发展文化关系杰出贡献荣誉证书” 。在他的推动下,今年7月,格鲁吉亚总理加里巴什维利访问中国,这在格中两国关系史上是一次具有里程碑意义的访问。此访期间,格鲁吉亚和中国建立了战略伙伴关系。中国也成为格鲁吉亚的第三大贸易伙伴。中国公民可以享受30天免签旅游。
The 6th prize winner is the Ambassador of Georgia to China, H.E.Archil Kalandia
    Winning reasons: Georgian Ambassador to China Archil Kalandia is a calm and capable diplomat with well-developed elegance and sense of humor. He often says: "Ambassadorship symbolizes a country, and for that reason I am proud that I can represent Georgia in China." On December 18, 2018, he officially presented his credentials to President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People, and as Georgian Ambassador to China, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor for Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Cultural Relations between Georgia and China. With his efforts, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili visited China in July of this year, which was a milestone visit in the history of relations between Georgia and China. During this visit, Georgia and China established a strategic partnership, and China has also become Georgia's third largest trading partner. Now, Chinese citizens can enjoy 30-day visa-free travel to Georgia.

作者:中外新闻社  来源:本网站

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