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Speech by President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs.Yan Wei at the 21st Anniversary Ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press

时间:2023-1-7 12:15:27

核心提示:今日:中外新闻社迎来创建21周年。今天我们把不同肤色、不同文化、不同语言、不同声音、不同宗教各国驻华大使、媒体记者、新闻官与我们汇聚一堂, 共同庆祝中外新闻社迎来创建21周年, 共同分享伟大中国的发展成果, 为世界“新闻外交”发展注入新的能量。今晚的盛会, 我们能邀请到众多的领导和多国驻华大使及官员...

    尊敬的国家财政部秘书长李铁堆先生,尊敬的外交部原副部长助理马德强先生,尊敬的中央电视台军事频道中心总监黄齐国将军,尊敬的各国使节、中央各部委办、国务院各部委办官员及社会各界嘉宾, 女士们, 先生们, 朋友们大家晚上好!
    Dear Secretary-General of the Minister of Finance Mr. Li Tietui, Dear Former Assistant to the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ma Deqiang, Dear CCTV director of military channel, General Huang Qiguo, Dear foreign ambassadors to China and councilors, the officials from Chinese central party and national ministries, friends from all walks of life, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

    时间定格今日:中外新闻社迎来创建21周年。今天我们把不同肤色、不同文化、不同语言、不同声音、不同宗教各国驻华大使、媒体记者、新闻官与我们汇聚一堂, 共同庆祝中外新闻社迎来创建21周年, 共同分享伟大中国的发展成果, 为世界“新闻外交”发展注入新的能量。今晚的盛会, 我们能邀请到众多的领导和多国驻华大使及官员出席感到万分地激动和高兴。在此, 我谨代表中外新闻社董事会、理事会、社务会以及中外新闻社驻海外65个国家和地区分社记者站和新闻中心, 对各位嘉宾的光临表示诚挚的地欢迎和衷心地感谢!
    The time comes to this wonderful moment: Home and Abroad News Press is celebrating its 21st birthday today. We bring together many ambassadors, diplomats, media reporters, and friends from countries of different colors, languages and religions to celebrate the 21st anniversary of Home and Abroad News Press and to share the great achievements of China with the world through our “News Diplomacy”. Tonight, we are extremely excited to have many Chinese leaders, foreign ambassadors and officials from many countries attending our ceremony. On the behalf of Home and abroad News Press Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Administrative Committee as well as our 65 branches and information centers around the world, we would like to welcome all guests for joining us tonight. We deeply appreciate everyone’s participation and your support!

    “万里情怀, 新闻满载。”中外新闻社经历21个春秋, 来之不易, 《中外新闻》一路走来, 这支年轻的队伍健康和谐的成长, 靠的是精兵强将, 靠的是胆识与魄力, 靠的是科学管理。21年来, 我们从小到大, 成就了今天在美国、加拿大、芬兰、法国、英国、新加坡、日本、韩国、新西兰、澳大利亚等65个国家和地区设立的分社、记者站和新闻中心, 受到了各国政府有关部门和同仁的赞扬……
    It takes tremendous efforts to build Home and Abroad News Press in the past 21 years. The success of Home and Abroad News Press is created from its innovative business model, top-performance talented employees, continuous encouragement and systematic management. In the past 21 years, we grew from a small company to an international corporation which owns and operates more than 65 global branches and information centers, including U.S.A, Canada, Finland, France, U.K., Singapore, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia and many other countries. In those countries, our works and contributions were greatly appreciated by the local governments and communities.

    中外新闻社在推动“新闻外交”、加强国际合作等领域都做出了表率, 曾采访29国政府首脑和国际组织重要官员, 受到联合国及多国政要、驻华大使、华人华侨的高度评价。
    Home and Abroad News Press promotes “News Diplomacy” to enhance international cooperation in various fields. We have interviewed 29 countries’ leaders and high officers from international organizations. Our works are also highly appreciated by Chinese and foreign officials, ambassadors and the leaders from different sectors.

    一直以来, 中外新闻社以全球视野、不断创新的思维模式活跃在国际舞台上, 中外新闻社善长从“天人合一”的思想中吸取智慧。2022:我们怀揣“中国梦”站在世界媒体的前沿, 为“新闻外交”一步步地注入正能量……中外新闻社作为一个国际主流的媒体, 与外国强势的传播机构共同向西方国家展示和宣传一个真实的中国。
    Since the inception, Home and Abroad News Press has been extremely active on the international stage with its global vision and innovative development model. We believe in “harmony and peace”. In 2022, we are running at the frontier of the world media sector with our “China Dreams” to create more positive energy for the international community. As mainstream media, Home and Abroad News Press and other overseas media channels to show a real China to the Western countries.

    2021年6月26日, 在中国共产党即将迎来百年华诞重要时刻, 中外新闻社组织22国驻华使节赴上海参观中共一大会址并举行座谈会。使节们在参观中共一大会址时对中国共产党各个时期发挥的作用认真观看, 仔细聆听英文讲解, 很多使节不停地拍照。认为:中国共产党的故事值得挖掘、研究, 使节们非常珍惜这次难忘的旅程。参观结束, 中外新闻社安排各国使节在上海市东湖宾馆会议厅举行“庆祝中国共产党成立100周年—外国驻华使节参观中共一大会址座谈会”。来斯洛伐克、泰国、巴哈马、牙买加、多哥、尼泊尔、塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、孟加拉国、阿塞拜疆、埃塞俄比亚、阿富汗、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、伊朗、古巴、印度尼西亚等国驻华使节在座谈会上表示, 通过此次参观交流活动, 清晰了解到中国共产党的奋斗历程, 深刻理解了为什么只有中国共产党才能得到人民的拥护。纷纷表示, 中共百年历程为世界政党树立了标杆。
    On June 26, 2021, during the celebrative moment of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, Home and Abroad News Press organized the foreign diplomats from 22 countries to visit the historic site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China. At the end of the visit, we also arranged a symposium in Donghu Hotel Shanghai. The foreign diplomats from Slovakia, Thailand, Bahamas, Jamaica, Togo, Nepal, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Philippines, Iran, Cuba, Indonesia and other countries expressed their feelings and understanding about the development journey of the Chinese Communist Party. They really learned the reason why Chinese people support and love the CPC very much. They all stated that the CPC’s century-long history has set a benchmark for political parties in the world.

    两个多月前, 备受瞩目的中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会在京落下帷幕。本刊记者历时12天跟踪报道, 感受和见证了中国已经掀开新的历史篇章, 特别值得一提的是:中外新闻社记者同中外记者受邀人民大会堂, 与新一届中央领导见面。这是继中共十八大之后中外新闻社再次获得参加新选出的中央政治局常委见面会, 强烈感受到:千秋伟业, 关键在人。中国共产党走过了百年奋斗历程, 如今又踏上了新的发展之路。
    More than two months ago, the 20th National Congress of the CPC was successfully held in Beijing. Our reporters spent 12 days tracking and reporting and witnessing that China has opened a new chapter in its history. It is particularly worth mentioning that Chinese and foreign journalists were invited to the Great Hall of the People to meet with the new central leadership. This is another important meeting between the newly elected Standing Committee of the Central Committee and Home and Abroad News Press after the 18th CPC National Congress. After a century of struggle, the CPC has embarked on a new development journey.

    作为大使, 我们不仅为政治而来, 也是为经济而来。在国际形势深刻复杂变化的背景下, 中国与各国友好合作势在必行。2020年9月5日, 中外新闻社大使俱乐部应运而生, 至今已经有49国大使在大使俱乐部平台上相互交流, 获取资讯。中外新闻社以此为契机, 拓展合作, 实现共赢, 为世界和平、稳定与发展注入正能量。
    As ambassadors, we come not only for politics, but also for economy. With the complex changes in today’s international community, friendly cooperation between China and other countries is imperative. On September 5, 2020, Home and Abroad News Press Ambassadors Club was officially found. So far, 49 ambassadors are invited to this exchange platform. Home and Abroad News Press takes this opportunity to expand cooperation, achieve win-win results and create positive energy to world peace, stability and development.

    媒体外交是当今世界许多国家十分重视的一种外交形式。积极开展媒体外交, 有利于所在国的形象在世界范围内传播。在全球抗击新冠肺炎疫情的过程中, 中外新闻社发挥了至关重要的作用:2021年, 中外新闻社携全球医药交易中心前往伊朗、斯里兰卡、乌拉圭、斯洛伐克、越南、牙买加、蒙古国、巴基斯坦、马耳他、突尼斯、贝宁、冰岛、孟加拉、亚美尼亚、印尼等国家捐赠防疫物品, 为共同抗击疫情彰显了共建人类命运共同体的大国担当与赤诚情怀, 得到世界各国人士的高度认可。2021年中外新闻社积极扩大了外交朋友圈:中外新闻社大使俱乐部今天又增加了6位大使
    Media diplomacy is one of foreign diplomacy forms that many countries are using to connect with the world. Active media diplomacy is a great way to promote and enhance the image of the host country in the global community. In fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic, Home and Abroad News Press plays an important role and working with the Global Pharmaceutical Trading Center donated a large number of medical supplies to Iran, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, Slovakia, Vietnam, Jamaica, Mongolia, Pakistan, Malta, Tunisia, Benin, Iceland, Bangladesh, Armenia, Indonesia and other countries to jointly fight against the global pandemic, demonstrating the great responsibility of jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind, which was highly recognized by people around the world. In 2021, Home and Abroad News Press actively expanded the friendship circle.

    2021年12月, 值此中国和巴基斯坦建交70周年之际, 中外新闻社同巴基斯坦驻华使馆在北京联合主办的 “中巴建交70周年--两国艺术家书画展”。此前, 中国国务委员兼外长王毅以视频方式同巴基斯坦外长库雷希共同启动 “中巴建交70周年庆祝活动” 。中外新闻社荣幸的获得主办“中巴建交70周年--两国艺术家书画展”, 我们又一次开启双边文化交流发展新篇章。
    In December 2021, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan, Home and Abroad News Press and the Pakistani Embassy in China jointly hosted the "70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan - the Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition". Previously, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Pakistani Foreign Minister Qureshi jointly launched the serial celebration activities of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan" by video. This successful exhibition once again opened a new chapter in cultural exchanges between China and Pakistan.

    21年的探索和努力, 21年的光荣与梦想, 都成为一种坚持、一种鼓舞、一种责任。2021年 4月26日, 中外新闻社总裁韦燕、常务副总编辑胡树萌及李思远、刘建民等7位中外新闻社骨干通过政审, 进入了中央党校“党建引领-融媒体高级研修班”学习, 我们全体同仁不断增强脑力, 多思善谋, 综合研判, 提高新闻报道深度和广度, 强化责任担当, 守初心、担使命。通过聆听教授课程、案例分享、专题研讨等方式, 使中外新闻社骨干政治过硬、思想作风和科技创新发展能力不断显现, 全面增强“八项本领”。
    21 years of exploration and dedication, and 21 years of glory and dream have become persistence, inspiration and responsibility. On April 26, 2021, seven senior executives of Home and Abroad News Press passed the political reviews and participated in the "Advanced Seminar on Party Development and Media Integration" of the Central Party School. Out team continuously develops the comprehensive skills to serve our unshakable missions on promoting the relationships between China and all countries as well as the peace and development in the international community.

    2006年6月, 在加拿大温哥华, 中外新闻社被联合国附属结构北北合作组织、联合国城市管理最佳范例指导委员会、联合国国际生态与安全合作组织等三个机构指定为“对外宣传的主流媒体”。
    In June 2006, Home and Abroad News Press was designated as the mainstream media by three United Nations associated organizations in Vancouver Canada.

    2010年5月20日, 中外新闻社收到从台北发来函件:台当局“行政院新闻局”文批准。至此, 中外新闻社在台湾落地。
    May 20, 2010, Home and Abroad News Press received the approval letter from Taiwan local authority to officially open the local branch in Taiwan.

    2011年5月6日, 国务院港澳办批准, 中外新闻社设立北京记者站。
    May 6th 2011, Chinese State Council officially approved Home and Abroad News Press to open Mainland China office in Beijing. This is an important step for our domestic development in China.

    特别值得一提的是:7年前中外新闻社驻中国传媒大学工作室揭牌仪式在中国传媒大学举行, 中国传媒大学与中外新闻社结为战略合作伙伴关系给中外新闻社插上了腾飞翅膀。双方认为:此次合作正是应对时代挑战的选择, 对促进传媒业发展, 培养造就更多高素质传媒人才, 提升中国媒体在国际上的传播能力。
    Seven years ago, Communication University of China and Home and Abroad News Press established strategic partnership, and we opened a local office in the Communication University of China. Through this partnership, both organizations achieved consensus to train more high-quality media talents to response to the challenges of today’s media industry and enhance Chinese external communication in the global platform.

    至此, 中外新闻社已经发展成为有以下7个附属机构:中外新闻网、中外企业家联合会、国际廉政观察委员会、国礼书画院、中外新闻社大使俱乐部和中外新闻社“一带一路”教育研学院。这些组织发挥着不同的作用,极大地促进了中外友谊与合作。
    Until now, Home and Abroad News Press successfully launched 5 associated organizations within the organizations structure, including Home and Abroad News Press magazine and website, Chinese and Foreign Entrepreneur Association, International Integration Observation Committee, National Artworks Institute, Ambassadors Club and "Belt and Road" Education Research Institute. Those associated organizations serve for different functions and greatly connect and promote China and foreign countries’ friendship and cooperation.

    21年的辛勤耕耘、21年的成就与辉煌, 春华秋实, 岁物丰成。回望过去的21年, 奋进的姿态、坚实的步履依旧清晰, 有一种梦想值得你去追逐, 那就是生命的辉煌;有一种渴望值得你去付出, 那就是生命中成功的体验。21年的回顾, 我们拥有令人骄傲的历史;无论是在国际舞台上, 还是在全球瞩目的北京奥运会, 中外新闻社把和谐融入世界, 向世人展示的不仅仅是一个传媒的职能, 更是传递和平的纽带和桥梁。“展示‘新闻外交’、 推动世界和平”---成为《中外新闻》发展的主旋律。
    21 years of hard work, 21 years of achievements and brilliance. Looking back at the past 21 years, we are moving forward with confidence and elegance. There is a dream worth chasing, that is the glory of life; there is a desire to make more efforts, that is our journey in a successful life. Looking back on the past 21 years, we made a proud history. Whether on the international stage or the Beijing Olympics, Home and Abroad News Press have integrated Chinese harmony into the world, showing the world not only the function of a media, but also a bridge of friendship and peace. "News Diplomacy for World Peace" is the key development theme of Home and Abroad News Press.

    盘点着可以引以自豪的辉煌的业绩, 我们不会忘记在陋巷中拼搏的激情燃烧的岁月, 更不能消磨了我们锐意进取、艰苦创业的意志。今天, 仍思考着如何利用《中外新闻》的资源优势和人才优势, 创新改革思路, 拓宽发展空间, 我们将以全球化视野和国际化眼光, 利用我们拥有的外交资源, 积极推进中外的传媒合作。
    Counting the glorious achievements that we can be proud of, we will not forget the passionate dedication during the startup process. Today, we are still thinking about how to utilize the resources and talents of Home and Abroad News Press to innovate and reform ideas and expand international connections. We will take our diplomatic resources with global perspective to actively promote cross-border media cooperation.

    多少个日日夜夜, 我们经受了难忘的磨砺和考验;多少次执着的追求, 我们享受着成功的荣耀与喜悦, 茫茫人海--或许你正是《中外新闻》报道的主角;人生舞台---或许你就是《中外新闻》忠实的读者。21年:我们不曾分开;21年:我们携手共进, 时光如水, 岁月如歌, 走过风雨历程, 相聚欢乐时刻……
    How many days and nights, we have endured unforgettable trials and challenges, we have enjoyed the glory and joy of success. In this big big world, you can be the main characters in our magazines, or you can be the loyal readers of our magazines. In the past 21 years: we have never been apart; In the past 21 years: we go hand in hand through the stormy journey and many happy moments...

    “军”令如山, 使命难却, 大任重负, 鞠躬尽瘁。我们自知海内外读者的信任和厚望, 自知国家使命高于一切。下个21年, 我们任重而道远, 不辱使命, 不负重托, 承前启后, 为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗。
    We bear the trust and high expectations of our readers at home and abroad. In the next 21 years, we will have a long way to go, live up to our mission, live up to priceless trust, and work hard to realize the “China Dream” with everyone who share the same vision.

    最后祝各位领导、各位外国使节、各位朋友身体健康, 事业兴旺!
    Finally, I wish all the leaders, foreign ambassadors, Chinese and foreign friends good health and a bright future for all!

作者:中外新闻社  来源:本网站

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