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We will do our best to further develop our relationship with China.
-- Interview with the Ambassador of Türkiye to China, H.E.Mr.Ismail Hakki Musa

时间:2024-3-17 11:20:15

核心提示:3月15日上午, 中外新闻社总编辑韦燕率中外新闻社采访团在土耳其驻华大使馆采访了土耳其驻华大使伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨阁下。中外新闻社总裁韦燕向伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨大使赠送第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议开幕会“纪念封”, 伊斯梅尔•哈克&#...


    (中外新闻社 中外新闻网记者 韦 燕 刘登臣 马澜 傅俊霖)第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议、政协第十四届全国委员会第二次会议于2024年3月4日起在北京人民大会堂举行, 中外新闻社是获得正式采访“两会”的主流媒体。中外新闻社已连续24年获得批准采访全国两会, 受全国人大外事局委托, 中外新闻社采访组采访部分国家驻华大使。3月15日上午, 中外新闻社总编辑韦燕率中外新闻社采访团在土耳其驻华大使馆采访了土耳其驻华大使伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨阁下。中外新闻社总裁韦燕向伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨大使赠送第十四届全国人民代表大会第二次会议开幕会“纪念封”, 伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨大使为中国“两会”成功举办题写“祝贺中国‘两会’胜利闭幕!”
    The Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) and the Second Session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) were held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 4, 2024. Home and Abroad News Press is one of the mainstream media that has been authorized to cover the Two Sessions. Requested by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, Home and Abroad News Press conducted a serial interviews with foreign ambassadors of selected countries during the Two Sessions. On the morning of March 15, the President of Home and Abroad News Press Mrs. Wei Yan and her team had an exclusive interview with the Ambassador of Türkiye to China, H.E. Mr. Ismail Hakki Musa, at the Embassy of Turkey in China. She presented the “Commemorative Envelop” of the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress to Ambassador Ismail Hakki Musa. Ambassador Musa wrote a congratulation message: Congratulations for the successful closing of the “Two Sessions”!

    “尊敬的大使阁下, 中国“两会”刚刚落下帷幕, 你认为:中国政府设置 5%的经济增长潜力对世界经济复苏的贡献率如何?你如何看待当前中国经济向好态势?”韦燕总编辑对话伊斯梅尔•哈克•穆萨大使。
    “Dear Mr. Ambassador, the "Two Sessions" of China have just come to an end, what do you think about the contribution of the Chinese government's 5% economic growth target to the global economic recovery? How do you see the current positive trend of China's economy?” Mrs. Wei asked the first question to Ambassador Musa.


    “首先我代表土耳其国家祝贺中国“两会”召开。中国近年来取得的快速发展在全世界广受赞誉。如今, 中国不仅是世界第二大经济体, 还是电动汽车、手机和电脑等全球经济许多领域的先驱。”大使说。
    大使谈到, 2023 年, 中国的经济增长率将达到 5.2%, 这是在 COVID-19 大流行导致全球经济衰退之后取得的重大成就。我认为, 中国建立的强大基础设施网络和近几十年来开展的研发活动是取得这一成功的关键。当然, 稳定的政治局面以及战略规划和指导也为我们铺平了道路。
    “Firstly, I would like to repsent Türkiye to congratulate to China for the Two Session. The rapid growth that China has achieved in the recent years is widely appreciated throughout the world. Today, China is not only the second largest economy in the world, but also is the pioneer in many sectors of the global economy, such as electric vehicles, mobile phones and computers.” Ambassador Musa said. China’s growth rate of 5.2% in 2023 is a major success following the global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe that the strong infrastructure network that China has built, the research and development activities it has carried in the recent decades are the keys to this success. Surely, the political stability coupled with strategic planning and guidance also paved the way.

    李强总理在两会上宣布了2024年5%的增长目标。当然, 与每个国家的经济一样, 中国也面临着挑战, 其中一些挑战来自全球发展。但是, 我认为, 只要有强有力的、稳定的国家政策, 中国一定能够实现其经济目标。
    Premier H.E. Li Qiang announced a 5% growth target for 2024 at the Two Sessions. Of course, as with every national economy, China also faces challenges; some stemming from global developments. However, I think that with strong and stable national policies, China will be able to achieve its economic goals.


    韦燕:“在两国元首的共同指引下, 中土全面战略伙伴关系不断走深走实, 政治、经 贸、文化等各个领域交流合作不断得到发展。作为世界第二大经济体, 中国的发展关系到全世界的福祉。请你谈谈中土双方各领域务实合作发展前景。”
    Wei Yan: “Under the joint guidance of the Heads of State of the two countries, China-Turkey’s comprehensive strategic partnership has continued to grow with exchanges and cooperation in various fields, including politics, trade and economy, and culture. As the world's second largest economy, China's development has a bearing on the well-being of the whole world. Please tell us about the prospects for practical cooperation between China and Turkey in various fields.”

    大使:作为两大文明古国的继承者, 土耳其和中国的经济和文化关系根深蒂固, 可以追溯到几个世纪以前。在两国总统的坚强领导和决心下, 我们已进一步加强两国在经贸、能源、交通、工业、科技、教育、民航以及文化和旅游等各领域的关系。目前, 中国已成为土耳其在亚洲最大的贸易伙伴和世界第三大贸易伙伴。在过去二十年中, 我们的双边贸易额翻了 40 倍, 并在 2023 年达到约 480 亿美元的最高纪录。与此同时, 有必要实现更加平衡的贸易, 以确保两国商业关系的可持续性。为此, 首先, 我们必须吸引更多来自中国的直接投资。我们希望中国公司能更好地利用我们不断增长的市场和投资友好型环境所创造的机遇, 其次, 我们寻求为土耳其农业和食品公司进入中国市场提供更多便利。
    Ambassador: As the heirs of two ancient civilizations, Türkiye and China have deep-rooted economic and cultural relations going back to centuries. Under the strong leadership and determination of our Presidents, we would like to further enhance our relations in all areas such as trade and economy, energy, transportation, industry, science and technology, education, civil aviation, as well as culture and tourism. As of today, China is Türkiye's largest trading partner in Asia and its third largest trading partner in the world. Our bilateral trade volume has multiplied 40 times in the last two decades and reached a recorded a high volume of approximately 48 billion US Dollars in 2023. Meanwhile there is a need to enable a more balanced trade in order to ensure the sustainability of our commercial relations. In order to do so, first, we must attract more direct investments from China. We want Chinese companies to make better use of the opportunities created by our growing market and our investment-friendly environment. Second, we seek for easier access for Turkish agricultural and food companies to the Chinese market.


    大使表示, 正如我将进一步详细解释的那样, 吸引更多的中国游客到土耳其旅游也是实现经济关系平衡的最重要方面之一。尽管贸易和经济是我们双边关系中最发达的方面, 但我们需要超越这一点。因此, 能源--尤其是核能--是双边战略合作领域之一。交通是我们合作的另一个重要方面。土耳其从一开始就支持中国的 "一带一路 "倡议。我们希望继续将这一重要倡议与我们的 "中间走廊倡议 "结合起来, 这将大大加强中国与欧洲通过土耳其的互联互通。
    He continued, As I will further explain in detail, attracting more Chinese tourists to Türkiye is also one of the most important aspects for a balanced economic relation. Although trade and economy constitute the most developed dimension of our bilateral ties, we need to go beyond that. In this vein, energy – especially nuclear energy– is one of the bilateral strategic cooperation areas. Transportation is another critical dimension of our cooperation. Türkiye supports China’s Belt and Road Initiative from the very beginning. We would like continue aligning this important initiative with our Middle Corridor Initiative, which will significantly increase the connectivity between China and Europe through Türkiye.


    大使指出, 我们还需要继续扩大在民航、教育、文化和旅游方面的合作。我们很高兴地看到, 两国之间的学生和游客数量正在不断增加。正如我所提到的, 我相信土耳其作为世界第四大旅游目的地, 每年接待超过5000万外国游客, 对中国游客来说拥有丰富多样的吸引力。我国有21处联合国教科文组织世界遗产。其中,卡帕多西亚多年来一直是中国游客的首选目的地之一。然而, 土耳其并不局限于卡帕多西亚。几乎每个角落都有各种文明留下的著名历史遗迹。特别是最近在土耳其东南部省份发现的石山, 如戈贝克利特佩和卡拉汉特佩, 已成为游客的热点之一。这些石山被认为是人类文明的起点, 其历史可以追溯到 1.2万年前。土耳其还拥有丰富的体育活动机会, 如自行车、山地自行车、徒步旅行、滑翔伞、滑雪等。
    Ambassador pointed out that We also need to continue expanding our cooperation in civil aviation, education, culture and tourism. We are glad to witness that the number of students and tourists between the two countries are increasing. As I mentioned, I believe Türkiye, as the 4th most popular tourist destination in the world, hosting more than 50 million foreign tourists annually, has vast and diverse attractions for Chinese tourists. There are 21 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in our country. Among these, Cappadocia has been one of the top destinations for Chinese tourists for many years. However, Türkiye is not limited to Cappadocia. Almost every corner is full of famous historical remnants from various civilizations. Especially, the recently discovered Stonehills (Taş Tepeler) in Türkiye’s southeastern provinces such as Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe have become one of the hotspots for tourists. These Stonehills, which are considered as the starting point of human civilization dates back more than 12 thousand years ago. Türkiye also has vast opportunities for sportive activities, such as cycling, mountain biking, hiking, paragliding, skiing and many more.


    韦燕:“中国两会不仅是我们国家政治生活中的一件大事, 也是外界观察中国、读懂中国的一个重要窗口。我们知道, 您是第一次旁听两会, 请问您最感兴趣的是哪些内容?”
    Wei Yan: “China's "Two Sessions" are not only a major political event in our country, but also an important window for outsiders to observe and understand China. We know that this is your first time to participate in the "Two Sessions", what are the contents you are most interested in?”

    我很高兴第一次参加中国全国人民代表大会(人大)和中国人民政治协商会议(政协)两会的开幕式。我可以明确地说, 从会议的范围来看, 两会是中国每年最重要的政治活动。会议全面讨论了中国共产党领导下的中华人民共和国所取得的进步和未来几年的国家目标。此外, 由于国内和国际媒体的广泛报道, 全体中国人民和全世界都有机会深入了解中国的发展、政策和国家优先事项。
    I was pleased to attend for the first time the Opening Ceremonies of the concurrent Two Sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). I can clearly say that by the scope of the sessions, they are the most important annual political event in China. In the meetings, the progress made by the PRC under the leadership of the CCP and the national goals for the coming years are comprehensively discussed. Moreover, thanks to the extensive media coverage at both national and international level, the entire Chinese people and the world had the chance to be informed in depth about the developments, policies and national priorities of China.


    这些会议也体现了中国特有的政治制度。除国家主席习近平阁下外, 中共中央政治局委员和来自各地区的众多代表也出席了会议, 这表明国家政策的实施是在充分协调和协商的基础上进行的。经济增长、可持续发展和农村进步、人工智能和创新技术、就业、卫生、教育和社会保障政策是会议期间强调的主题。
    These sessions are also a manifestation of the political system that is unique to China. In addition to President H.E. Xi Jinping, the presence of members of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee and a wide range of representatives from all regions at the meetings indicate that the national policies are implemented in full coordination and consultation. Economic growth, sustainable development and rural progress, AI and innovative technologies, employment, health, education and social security policies were amongst the themes highlighted during the sessions.

    在这些会议期间, 我对“高质量的生产力”一词特别感兴趣。为了适应不断变化的世界, 中国成功地将重点放在了实施新政策上, 以打造一支更与时俱进、技能更高的劳动力队伍。之后, 中国相应地改变了市场结构、企业管理模式、营销策略等。
    During these sessions, I was particularly interested in the term “high quality productive forces”. In order to adapt to the changing world, China successfully focuses on implementing new policies to create a more up-to-date and skillful workforce. And afterwards, China accordingly changes the structure of its market, business management model, marketing strategies etc.

    土耳其人民和中国人民将世代友好, 友谊长存!
    The friendship between Turkish and Chinese people will go on from generation to genenration!


作者:记者 韦 燕 刘登臣 马澜 傅俊霖  来源:本网站

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