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中外新闻社创立10周年庆典 《中外新闻》时代新闻人物、《中外新闻》推进世界和平奖 颁奖典礼在北京举行

时间:2011-3-13 10:06:33

核心提示:出席会议重要贵宾: 中国人民对外友好协会副会长王运泽; 解放军总参某部政委胡建雄; 最高人民检察院独立检察官郭永强; 中共中央纪律检查委员会、中华人民共和国监 察部部长办公室副主任林福财; 中国网视台执行台长秦金玮; 联合国国际人道安全与和平组织特使廖佳音; 波兰驻华大使塔德乌什霍米茨基; 土耳其驻...


        Important guests attended:
        Vice President of Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Mr. Yunze Wang;
        Political Commissar of the PLA General Staff unit, Mr. Jianxiong Hu;
        Independent Prosecutor of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Mr. Yongqiang Guo;
        Deputy Director of the Minister Office of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and PRC Minister of Supervision, Mr. Fucai Lin;
        Executive Director of the China Web TV Station, Mr. Jinwei Qin;
        Special Envoy of the United Nations International Humanitarian Peace and Security Organization, Mr. Jiayin Liao;
        Ambassador of Poland to China, Mr. Tadeusz Chomicki;
        Ambassador of Turkey to China, Mr. Murat Salim Esenli;
        Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to China, Mr. Amel Kovacevic;
        Ambassador of Bulgaria to China, Mr. Georgi Peychinov;
        Ambassador of Slovak to China, Mr. František Dlhopolček;
        Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to China, Mr. Krieger Carlo;
        Ambassador of Mauritius to China, Mr. Paul Chong Leung;
        Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and Chinese-African People’s Friendship Association presented flowers for warm congratulations;

    时光如水,岁月如歌,走过风雨历程,相聚欢乐时刻……3月9日晚,北京王府井天伦王朝酒店国际会议厅张灯结彩,洋溢着喜庆的节日气氛。“辉煌十年 颠峰盛典”--- 中外新闻社创立10周年庆典仪式、《中外新闻》时代新闻人物、《中外新闻》推进世界和平奖颁奖典礼在此举行。中国人民对外友好协会副会长王运泽,解放军总参某部政委胡建雄,最高人民检察院独立检察官郭永强,中国网视台执行台长秦金玮,联合国国际人道安全与和平组织特使廖佳音,波兰驻华大使塔德乌什•霍米茨基,土耳其驻华大使穆拉特•萨利姆•埃森利,波黑华大使阿梅尔•科瓦切维奇,保加利亚驻华大使格奥尔基•佩伊奇诺夫,斯洛伐克驻华大使弗兰季谢克•德尔霍波尔切克、卢森堡驻华大使柯意赫、毛里求斯驻华大使钟律芳及新华社、中国新闻社、中央电视台、香港有线电视台、澳门商报、光明日报、科技日报、新浪网、千龙网、国际网络电视台、美国中美邮报等中外嘉宾和中外新闻社驻外分社近200人出席盛会。主席台两侧,摆放着中国人民对外友好协会、中国非洲人民友好协会赠送的花篮,庆典活动为正在北京召开的全国“两会”增添了一份喜庆的色彩。
    2011 March 9th evening, “Ten Years of Success, Grand Anniversary Ceremony”--- The 10th Anniversary Ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press, “Home and Abroad News Press--- The News Person of the Year” and “Home and Abroad News Press--- Award of World Peace Promotion” Awarding Ceremony was held in Beijing Sunworld Dynasty International Hall. The vice president of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Mr. Yunze Wang, the political commissar of the PLA General Staff unit Mr. Jianxiong Hu, the independent prosecutor of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Mr. Yongqiang Guo, the executive director of the China Web TV Station Mr. Jinwei Qin, the special envoy of the United Nations International Humanitarian Peace and Security Organization Mr. Jiayin Liao, the Ambassador of Poland to China Mr. Tadeusz Chomicki, the Ambassador of Turkey to China Mr. Murat Salim Esenli, the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to China Mr. Amel Kovacevic, the Ambassador of Bulgaria Mr. Georgi Peychinov, the Ambassador of Slovak to China Mr. František Dlhopolček, the Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to China Mr. Krieger Carlo, the Ambassador of Mauritius to China Mr. Paul Chong Leung and journalists from Xinhua News Agency, China News, CCTV, Hong Kong Cable TV, Macao Commercial Post, Guangming Daily, Science and Technology Daily, Sina.com, Qianlong.com, International Networks, US Chinese American Post as well as overseas branch of the Home and Abroad News Press, nearly 200 guests gathered together to celebrate the event. At the both sides of the stage, two large beautiful flower baskets, presented by Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and Chinese-African People’s Friendship Association, added extra festival aspects to the ceremony.

    6:50 pm, the ceremony began with the Chinese National Anthem ... ...

    The Chief Information Officer of the North-North Networks associated with the United Nations, the President of Home and Abroad News Press, Mrs. Wei Yan, on the behalf of the Board, the Council and the Administrative Committee of the Press, firstly delivered a speech at the ceremony. She said, today it’s our pleasure to have all important officials and foreign guests joining our 10th anniversary ceremony. We deeply thank everyone’s participation and supports.


    She said, ten years ago, as a new star in the media industry, Home and Abroad New Press was established in the Pearl of Asia, Hong Kong. In the past ten years, we witnessed the great development of China and its rapid integration with the world; in the past ten years, we took our social responsibilities as a reliable media channel in this ever-changing global settings; ten years to now, we are continuously moving forward with our unchangeable faith.


    She continued, the ten years of Home and Abroad News Press is the perfect demonstration to utilize the modern business development concepts with the unique “News Diplomacy” strategy. Since the first day Home and Abroad News Press was established, the company has been recognized and approved by the State Council Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office for participating in China’s NPC and CPPCC, APEC Summit, Global Think Tank, ASEM Summit and many other national and global important conferences and events. Because of its unique viewpoints and large audience base, Home and Abroad News magazine has gained great respects and attentions from domestic and international readers and stakeholders.


    The success of Home and Abroad News Press is built on innovative business model, top-performance talented employees, exploratory encouragement and systematic management. In the past 10 years, we grew from a small company to an international corporation who owns and operates more than 40 global branches and information centers, including U.S.A, Canada, Finland, France, U.K., Singapore, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia and many other countries. In those countries, our works and contributions were greatly appreciated by the local governments and communities. 

    会上,韦燕全面地回顾了中外新闻社十年的光辉历程,她说,十年:我们拥有令人骄傲的历史,无论是在国际舞台上,还是在全球瞩目的北京奥运会、上海世博会,中外新闻社把和谐融入世界,向世人展示的不仅仅是一个传媒的职能,更是传递和平的纽带和桥梁。“展示‘新闻外交’、 推动世界和平”---成为中外新闻社发展的主旋律。

    In the ceremony, Mrs. Yan Wei thoroughly reviewed the glorious ten-year’s history of Home and Abroad News Press. She said, in the past ten years, we achieved many high distinctions. Both in the international arena and in the global attention of the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo, Home and Abroad News Press brought harmony into the world. Home and Abroad News Press is not just a function of the media, but has become a bridge for delivering friendship to the international community from China. "Show 'News Diplomacy', to promote world peace" --- as the main theme of the development of Home and Abroad News Press.

    The attending ambassadors delivered speeches individually in the ceremony. Ambassador of Poland to China Mr. Tadeusz Chomicki said that I am pleased to participate in the 10th anniversary celebration of Home and Abroad News Press. In the past decade, Home and Abroad News Press has made great contributions to the friendship between Poland and China. I deeply appreciate this and hope Home and Abroad News Press will achieve greater success in the coming days... ...

    Turkish ambassador Mr. Murat Salim Esenli is a new friend of Home and Abroad News Press. In his speech, he cheerfully said, I am very pleased to participate in 10th anniversary celebration of Home and Abroad News Press and give speech. Firstly, I congratulate the tenth anniversary of the establishment of Home and Abroad News Press. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the hard work of Home and Abroad News Press. Because of your work, Turkey can be further narrowed the distance with China. Dear friends, see you in Turkey... ...

    The ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Amel Kovacevic said that I am very pleased to attend the 10th anniversary ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press and personally congratulate them here. Through the reports and articles of Home and Abroad News magazine, it offers a unique opportunity for China to be better understood by the world. I hope that there will be more ambassadors coming here to celebrate for Home and Abroad News Press.

    Slovak Ambassador Mr. František Dlhopolček attended the 10th anniversary celebration with Deputy Ambassador Mr. Miroslav Tomo. Mr. František Dlhopolček  expressed his feelings in his speech, he said that I am very pleased to join the 10th anniversary ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press. 10 years is a turning point for a news agency. We can look back at previous work, and envision the future development. Home and Abroad News Press made its own contributions to the promote China to the world.

    Mauritius Ambassador Mr. Paul Chong Leung spoke at the ceremony on behalf of award-winning Ambassadors. He said, I am honored to participate in the 10th anniversary ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press, and also pleased on behalf of award-winning Ambassadors to deliver acceptance speech. I am honored to receive this award and hope continues to make greater efforts to promote friendship between China and Mauritius in the future.

    巴基斯坦驻华大使代表丹尼奥•吉拉尼Danyal Gilani致辞:大使先生今日有事不能参加活动,特派我代表他出席,在此我代表巴基斯坦驻华使馆大使向中外新闻社表示感谢,同时,我们驻华使馆将进一步支持各位的工作……
    Mr. Danyal Gilani on behalf of Pakistan Ambassador delivered a speech: Mr. Ambassador is unable to engage in today’s activity, so ask me to represent him. I am very pleased to participate in the 10th anniversary ceremony of Home and Abroad News Press on behalf of Mr. Pakistan Ambassador. Meanwhile, the Pakistan Embassy will always support your work.

    Ambassadors’ enthusiastic speeches made the ceremony full of vigor and joy. The participating entrepreneurs, cultural, and media representatives friendly communicated with Ambassadors, and wish them happiness and have a happy life in China……

    Home and Abroad News Press 10 year’s strong development proves that the position and the value Home and Abroad News Press pursues, the news model Home and Abroad News Press creates and the temperament Home and Abroad News Press seeks are the qualities an international media should have.

    In today's era of ideological diversity, Home and Abroad News Press as a mainstream media recognized by three United Nations agencies, commends and awards those who have the characteristics of the times and contribute to promote the harmonious of the international community in the way to award the News Person of the year. In the ceremony, according to the interview reports and the letter of recommendation from media, ten 2011 “Home and Abroad News Press--- The News Person of the Times” released. The News Persons of The Time are: the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Shanghai chief representative of the UN Pavilion Mr. Awni Behnam, the Ambassador of Turkey Mr. Murat Salim Esenli, the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Amel Kovacevic, the Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Mr. Krieger Carlo, the Ambassador of Poland Mr. Tadeusz Chomicki, the Ambassador of Slovak Mr. František Dlhopolček, the Ambassador of Bulgaria Mr. Georgi Peychinov, the Vice President of Jiangmen City Federation of Industry and Commerce, the CEO of Yiyuan Group Mr. Huang Benyong, the Dean of Thailand Bangkok Arts & Music Institution, the Art Director, Mr. Wang Shengli and the Loving entrepreneurs, the Chairman of Hubei Jinyixing Real Estate Co., Ltd. Mr. Wei Yihua.

    Awarded 2011 “Home and Abroad News Press--- Award of World Peace Promotion” are: the Ambassador of Pakistan to China Mr. Masood Khan, the Ambassador of Mauritius to China Mr. Paul Chong Leung, the Ambassador of Jordan Mr. Anmar A.H.N.Al-Hmoud, the Ambassador of Oman Mr. Abdullah Salleh Al-Saadi, the Counsellor of Nepal Embassy Mr. Nirmal Raj Kafle. Mauritius Ambassador Mr. Paul Chong Leung spoke at the ceremony on behalf of award-winning Ambassadors. Mr. Ronglin Wu from Federation of Hong Kong News and Mrs. Yan Wei the Chief Information Officer of the North-North Networks associated with the United Nations, the President of Home and Abroad News Press delivered the awards to the winners.

    In the ceremony, Home and Abroad News Press also added some new Council members to the board, including Mr. Shouxun Zhu, Mr. Binyun Chen, Mr. Jianhui Song, Mr. Rongshen Li, Mr. Liang Cui, Mr. Zimo Sha and Mr. Jun Hu. The vice chairman of the Council Mr. Benyong Huang presented the appointment letters to the new members.

    激动人心的时刻总是令人期待, 和着美好的音乐,宾主举杯互相祝福,著名演员蒋陈竹的《赛马》、陈慧轩笛子独奏《麦收》、《扬鞭摧马运粮忙》,余戎姬的《海阔天空》、《回家》,奚越的歌曲《我爱你》、《听海》让现场每一位观众都感受到了国乐雅韵的魅力……中央音乐学院男高音王瀚森演唱的英文歌曲《dreamed a dream》、《The impossible dream》激情、欢快,富于浓厚的异国情调引起了外国贵宾的共鸣……赢得了嘉宾们阵阵掌声……
    The memorable time is always expected in joyful place. With beautiful music, a formal reception started and followed by a series of performances. All exciting performances created perfect memories and joyful time for all guests.

    Chinese famous calligrapher and antiques connoisseur Lei Mingdong, Chinese arts and crafts master Li Jianfeng and other artists accepted the honors certificates from Home and Abroad News Press. Their art works have been designated as the cultural gifts to Home and Abroad News Press for foreign officials and international friends. At the same time, they presented their valuable works to foreign ambassadors and the Press.

    At the end, a cheerful "Happy Birthday" song made the ceremony into the highest point. All ambassadors, embassy officials, important friends opened Champagne and cut the birthday cake for Home and Abroad News Press 10th birthday. All guests wished better future for Home and Abroad News Press……


作者:胡树萌 刘登臣 刘德山 思 远 张智儒  来源:本网站

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